
My first thought after seeing this headline: Dear God, The View has been on for 10 years? That's 11 years more than Elisabeth Hasslebeck needed to be on any TV show.

I just made myself laugh harder than I should have by picturing tiny Jayne hat versions of these. Ear flaps, "cunning" jokes and everything.

I'd say he could stay there and just keep looking until the end of time, but I like my Scottish friends too much.

If you asked Bieber what NAFTA was, he'd probably either say it was another street name for Molly or the title of some guy's rap album.

I don't fit perfectly with this study either, like you and Starlightshadow. Having jumped into this conversation, though, I wouldn't mind getting in somehow on that honorary degree, if you don't mind.

Sooo... You have Brokeback Bunnies?

Beat me to it. I was just coming in to say "I dunno, but Jeremy Clarkson just had to change his pants."

They don't actually swell. (Okay, they do, but afterwards, when all the fluid retention's gone, they are still bigger.) It's more like "spreading out" than getting bigger; there's a hormone put out called - no joke - relaxin, which is also used by the body to widen the pelvis. It ends up affecting the muscles and

I do have one tip.

Now playing

I also have a soft spot for Nick Pitera's "One Man Disney". Cute, cheeky, and dude's got a RANGE.

Damn right. I heard them do "Dog Days Are Over" and my jaw hit the floor. I was a musician for quite a while, and to have a group like this, all listening to each other, nobody's grandstanding, nobody's trying to fuck with someone else's solo... nobody's going "Fuck this shit, the arranger's an ass, I should have more