
On one hand, you have the Chinese government who wants the ability to extradite residents of Hong Kong with no oversight. The same Chinese government that regularly disappears people in it’s custody, and is running literal concentration camps for ethnic minorities and political dissidents.

He’s a Nats fan. In fact, he went deeply into debt paying for Nats season tickets, but that debt was paid off by someone in the months leading up to his nomination to the Supreme Court for reasons that were not looked into very much and evidently don’t matter anymore. 

There was an old saying about the Braves and their pitching staff whenever the playoffs rolled around in the 90's.

This was worse than the last two World Series exits. At least they ripped our hearts out fast in the deciding game. The hope spot for seven innings was absolutely excruciating when they finally gagged it up. Not even the Giant bro at the bar screaming "Bryan Stow" and "fucking retard" in my face after the grand slam

In his defense, Gregg Popovich enlisted before he had Spurs.

The hell is a trocolyte, you troglodyte?

These spineless politicians are doing the exact same thing 45 did regarding NFL players kneeling.

It’s almost as if we live in a society and our society has created laws to decide what is acceptable behavior for employers. For instance, employing 12 year olds to work in coal mines? Not acceptable. Employing adults to work in coal mines and not providing them with proper safety equipment or bathroom breaks? Not

I find it pretty despicable that Deadspin would have the nerve to point out The Athletic’s censorship in this scenario. It was only a month ago on this very site that I tried to comment on my fantasy football team only to find comments were closed. But sure, The Athletic is the asshole.

We don’t need to pretend Morey’s social media feed makes him Huey P. Newton.

“The difference between Israel-Palestine and China-Hong Kong, then, is only that Israel has been more successful in branding its conflict with those it oppresses as genuinely above reproach than China has thus far been with its dealings with Hong Kong.”

The big, wet boi moved the embassy to appease Evangelicals. The move was necessary as part of their Dungeons & Dragons End Times script.

No, no.  Rest assured you simply missed the point.  

genuinely unsure how anyone with any reading  comprehension could come to this conclusion

Ron Howard voice: As usual, Rudy was wrong...

You can’t actually see the hand shake. And Mayfield does seem to wiggle his hands a bit at the end. It could easily be a hand slap rather than an actual shake.

I’m now quite curious to read all the calls that have been conducted. I seriously doubt that the one to Ukraine was the odd one out. This past weekends call with Erdogan was probably a doozy.

Also, the idea that a governor can just end homelessness with the flourish of his quill is patently absurd.

The structure of the CFPB has yet to be conclusively deemed unconstitutional, and what would be the most persuasive authority to date, an en banc decision by the D.C. Circuit, has blessed its constitutionality. Therefore the structure hasn’t been revised, it is still a single director removable only for cause.

Turkey Fucks Chicken