
I... can’t... get... no...

“Geoffrey is a perfectly normal second head. Find a new slant.”

My girlfriend’s sister had mono when we were all in college. I was terrified I’d get it because my girlfriend was the super jealous type and she would have accused me of kissing her sister or something. And the last thing I’d want is my girlfriend yelling at me because then my wife would find out.

Im a doctor. Once clinic gets started I don’t have a lot of time for extensive Google searches. And clinic starts in a couple minutes. I will probably browse the internet in between visits, especially if I have a no show, but no time for actual research.

What kind of shitty job do you have where you have to wait until after work to Google shit? Are you a first responder or something?

I love it. And the best part is that no one is even close to Barry’s epic season or career. It doesn’t matter what they juice the balls with, he’s still top dog. Greatest hitter of all time. Prior to juicing, he hit .290 with 411 HRs and an OPS of .966 in 1898 games. Once the juice started flowing he went to .316 with

Harper has hit 31 homers so far this season. That was once an impressive accomplishment. Now it’s a middling amount of homers for a power hitter in this league.

I wonder how they could Justfy these actions. I would hope they get more than a Citation from the Secretariat responsible. This type of Assault on horse racing ethics cannot be Affirmed.

The Boar Buster baby! Oooops sorry this is for Canadian Bacon...Le Boar Buster bébé!

Excellent read.

a tragedy fitting for such a somber day, this is matched in devastation only by the September 11, 1973 CIA backed coup of Chile. RIP Allende

Boy, there’s just something odd about disasters and September 11th.

“Vaping has killed a few people, we better ban the whole thing altogether. Fine the people responsible, our kids are in danger!”

Lawrence really should be careful. Things like that can have repercussions later on in life.

Man Injures Throwing Hand Throwing Hands.

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Steelers fans like him again now

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

“That guy, the one who’s huge and totally ripped and considered a great athlete by NBA standards, that’s the dude I’m gonna pick a fight with!”

I haven’t been this proud to be Canadian since the 2016 US presidential election.