
“My life sucks,” said Plunkett, 69. “It’s no fun being in this body right now. Everything hurts.”

No way he has the toughness to have competed against the all time greats. You ever see Nicklaus fist pump like a glory boy after a chip to set up a bogey? You think the GOAT (Byron Nelson, obviously) ever smiled for the cameras after DOING HIS JOB??? Soft. Just soft.

A lot of time Mickelson doesn’t even have a driver in his bag or just uses a 3 wood or driving iron off the tee.

How about professional eating? Shoveling 70 hot dogs down your throats while your body is screaming FUCKING STOP takes some mental toughness.

I’d’ve’nt ever expected to see that shirt in real life.

As a past recipient of a $480 red light ticket, I concur.

Increasing the time between lights in one direction turning red and the other direction turning green is a simple way to reduce these kinds of accidents.

They are absolutely benefiting from increased viewership online. Turn off ad blocker and visit NYT you’ll see what I mean.

I’m pretty sure it was Bruce at the time.

A stretch, but a good one.

Forgot about that. Dude can fly. Definite combination of speed and baserunning instincts on those.

In the same way that buying two lottery tickets instead of one gives you a better chance.

the arts of scoring from first on a single or keeping a rally alive by thwarting an attempt at a double play

Optimally you’d hit your best (non lead-off) hitter second or fourth. Hitting a guy third means they will face a two out nobody on situation quite often, which is a waste.

It is actually expressly forbidden to drive your cart on the green. Not in the ‘official rules’ of golf, but by the course. You will be asked to leave and never come back if you are caught doing that.

lol no

Agreeing that Sally Jenkins is a fucking moron may be the last opportunity to bridge the partisan divide in this country. Thank you, Sally, for your selfless sacrifice!

That’s not a half volley, the ball doesn’t bounce before he hits it

“You don’t expect NBA caliber players to make stepback jumpers? That’s weird.”