
The drive to the ski hill is infinitely more dangerous than the chair lift.

You can tell it was staged, the reporter wasn’t in the penalty area.

Once you recover you shouldn’t use a brace. The joint won’t get back to full strength if you have a brace there all the time.

“The only people that support her are people that she gives money or the people that work for her.”

I DIN think he was gonna make it

Do you agree that the rats that can react quicker are more likely to survive and have offspring? Which then passes down the quick reactions to further generations leading to rats that can react faster than their ancestors? If so, then you believe in evolution.

What it used to be before I sold my soul :(

Here’s a good read about just that. A back of the book summary:

Pictured: your average Trump voter after the ACA repeal

There must be something about being a fat bald white guy that leads to severe overestimation of one’s own fighting skills. More research is greatly needed in this field. 

That was my nickname in high school.

My first reaction was, mmmm-hmmmmm. But on the other hand, mmm-HMMMMM. Although perhaps one could also argue, MMMMMM-hmmmmm.

Our blessed granson did a google search on the bing, didn’t turn up nothing. Guess that’s what our tax dollers get wasted on thanks obummer

It makes perfect sense to have different building codes in different states. California has earthquakes, Nevada does not. Therefore buildings in California should be held to a different standard. See?

Supply and demand homie

Holy shit that sums up this national anthem controversy perfectly.

I once bagged Steve Young’s groceries. I’ll never forget it, I asked him how he was doing and he said (this is an honest to God direct quote), “Good, thanks.” It was magical.

No big deal, just wear all your clothes instead of having them in a bag. They can’t charge you extra for wearing 8 t shirts!

“Well, officer, I was just on the way to pay my taxes and then out of nowhere...”