
For 30 seconds after blood flow ceased the brains showed signs of activity for 30 seconds after their hearts stopped, for 30 seconds? Good stuff.

"I know, I'll call myself the Lone Ranger!"

The move is to order a burrito bowl because you get more in the bowl than wrapped in a tortilla. Then you ask for free tortillas on the side. Boom.

Shame on you Riley Cooper. Thinking you're famous enough to go backstage without a pass... I hope this is a real wake up call.

If drinking to deal with stress, getting arrested because of drinking, and being embarrassed because of drinking constitute a drinking problem, I know a looottttt of kids with drinking problems.

Josh Hamilton, on the other hand, is not jolly when he lays off the hard stuff.

Knob-jockey? The list of words I use every single day just grew by one.

Because that shit ain't cool no more.

I agree, except with Scientologists. I will be a dick to those people.

10 million km/hr.....700km/s

This would be infinitely better if the brand/type of ball was included next to the pic. Which one is a Pro V1???

Loopholes are kind of the point of a complicated tax system. Who do you think wrote the laws? Not poor people, that's for sure.

I initially thought this was another post about Donovan McNabb's twitter account.

"Poor Trayvon didn't even have a chance to eat them Skittles..."

MagicFlight Launch Box, believe me it's legit.

Brazilians for sure, descendents of Portuguese sailors and African slaves make for big strong people

I thoroughly enjoy yelling things at golf balls, but the standard "Bite!" "Sit!" "Run!" "Get legs!" only work so many times. I need to expand my repetoire, any suggestions on additional things to yell at a golf ball to get it to cooperate?

So then does the Milky Way have some kind of massive tail? Does our universe have a tail?????

We should have sent it downwind, it would have gone faster amirite????

I believe it was actually the INACTION of congress that caused rates to go from 3.4 to 6.8.