Huh, reply isn't actually marking anything to indicate a reply.
I dunno, nobody gets upset about "flame retardant fabric" in tents so obviously those six letters can exist in that specific order; people who over-emphasize how offensive the *word* is piss me off; what, you'd be less offended if someone took the time to carefully craft an insult that didn't use *that specific word*?…
Um, most teenagers are hyperaware of their social standing and how others perceive them, and the easiest way to hurt their feelings is to attack the identity they've crafted for public consumption.
" Now when somebody jokingly mentions the Buffalo Theory at a bar this weekend you can be that guy."
@DJ Schway
5 years, and then some one-man-band releases a game people call "Legos with Zombies" and his Minecraft outsells your UNIVERSE. Yeah, if your Glorious Corporate Masters (or whatever you called the investors, board, and sundry moneymen) are anything like mine, I'd have run too.
If you could take all the jocular insensitivity of vaudeville's blackface and apply it to geeks, a geekface if you will, you would get BBT. Only, that's not racist enough, because they have a token Jew and token Hindu just to make explicity racist jokes when they run out of geekist humor.
I'm not rushing to 85 for PVP and raids; I'm daily quest- and mob-grinding to 85 to make more money off quest turn-ins. xD
Is the phrase "it's on like Donkey Kong" even still a metaphor if used to actually describe a Donkey Kong game? The phrase actually means less now than it did before. Does that bother anyone else?
To be fair, I bug-reported a floating sword in the Korcari Wilds (basically the second 'level') of the PC version of Dragon Age the day after it came out, and, when I reinstalled DA and started a new game just a week ago, it was still there.
I'm surprised there's no reference to Techdirt.com
@talli3: Actually, the head writer for KyleXY gave some interviews about what was planned for the show before the writer's strike. It, uh, kinda ruined the series for me, to be honest. She said that Jessi basically gets written out of the show, Kyle and Amanda date for a while in college, but then Kyle leaves to…
@Log1c: Really? What are the sales and distro numbers on the comic, I haven't really seen those published anywhere.
Bad argument. I remember games with strings of 64+ random numbers and letters instead of save points (and god help you if you made a single typo). I've played games that all but needed an accompanying spreadsheet. Bad inventory management, bad quest-journals, bad camera controls, the worst kinds of Author…
@vorpal_raddish: Uh ... because Sten is fixated on self-control and duty, and expects he'll be ordered back to this continent to go to war with humans again, and because Wynne knows her lease on life could run out at any time and is too much concerned with tying up her loose ends. Neither one of them is the kind of…