
Are you talking about the dual clutch? No Focus has ever had a CVT.

I mean, you could do that, but..

This is what’s left after the hypetrain leaves the station.

For good reason, they are miserable to own. Mine was in the shop over a dozen times in the two years I owned it. Also good luck fitting in the seats if you’re shaped like a normal human. Happiest day of my life was the day I sold it.

Perhaps you shouldn’t have clicked Publish befo

As a proud Canadian, what do you mean by ‘even fucking Canada’? I mean, we have socialized healthcare and a general attitude of actually caring for our fellow man. Those two things alone go a long way to being ahead of the US in containing COVID-19.

If I ran the show at Cadillac, I would be focusing on the dealer experience. Way too many Cadillac stores are dualed up with other GM brands which is highly off putting to luxury vehicle buyers.

The 2020 VW Harlequin Golf.

This. The market doesn’t exist anymore. But it’s not crossovers that are the killers of fun. My wife has a Renegade Trailhawk that I don’t like, but there are a lot of fun elements to it. And she loves it.

I’m genuinely convinced you’d claim any livery unveiled was boring just to make an article.
I’m not sure where you get the idea that “nothing has changed with this” either because the blue is agressive and sharp and does a really good job accenting the lines of the car, something that was sorely lacking in the past. 

The XL with the STX package is seriously underrated!  Might be worth looking at....

One of the main reasons I bought a Ram five years ago. That four link/coil setup is legitimately great. Makes the ride so much better than the Ford or GM products. 

if that’s what you want have the dealer special order. if they won’t, try another dealer.

FWIW the color of that second one (Rapid Red) is awesome, it’s what I ordered my Ranger in.

Counter-point: The new shield grille is excessive, bordering on tacky, and those headlights look like a watered-down version of whatever the concept was. All these designs look like they need a bit more refining so that they don’t look oversized and tacky.

Your first sentence is good.

that part of you is wrong

I think you’re missing the point of living her life her way and chasing her dream. It was never about the book.

Mustang name aside, this is not an attractive car.