
Rory, is this what you want Jalopnik to be? I know that there are still some very talented writers here, who are passionate about the automotive world. It would be nice to see more of them, and less of... This. I don’t like responding to hate with more hate, but if I came across Jalopnik as a new reader and read a


Damn, this could have been a decent article. Talk about how historically teams that have run partial seasons haven’t succeeded. Talk about I’d there really is an economic benefit through advertising. Lots of things to build a decent article off of. But this is just such petty bullshit. What the hell, man?

Right? Even if there was a valid criticism (there isn't, really), this is so confrontational it comes across as personal and petty. I've defended some of these hot takes from this author, but this is some of the worst shit I've seen here

Man, Jim has been around these parts longer than you have, and always been a good dude to talk to. Why are you always interested in the hate train?

Okay. Sorry for getting a new truck.

Literally. I bet 99% of the interior parts are shared between the Fusion and Ranger.

286 miles of range is not too shabby, and the CLAR platform is hardly half-assed. It is made to accommodate various powerplants including electric only.

Not to mention the author says they “just crammed batteries in a gas car” which is utterly wrong.

1st Gear: That BMW seems great to me. Real range in a car that’s actually practical. Not everyone wants a Tesla - or something that looks electric. If it’s functional - if it has usable range and acceptable re-charging rates, it seems like a necessary and significant addition to the market.

Cramming a 286 miles EV drivetrain into a gas powered X3 shell is actually good engineering achievement. Charging (no pun intended) $77k for it? Not so much.

How is the BMW lame? It took a vehicle that probably weighs as much as a Taycan and got +100 miles of range out of it, and is charging ~$100,000 less. It’s a strong seller in a market where people want crossovers.

Walk onto a racetrack and throw your hands at a car. You get what you get, chief.

The hemi keep could pass the bare minimums for crash testing and people will still buy them. I know a handful of Jeep people and safety is not very high on their list.

As opposed to the mountains of green Jeep has been printing for years?  Nahh. 

It’s clear that Fauci is in a precarious position with his job - if he doesn’t toe the line during official announcements, he is likely to lose his job. From a recent inverview:

If we have to have a modified S2000, I’d much rather have Suki’s.

I would argue that the manual is ALWAYS more fun, regardless of the type of car.

NP. I owned one of these and it’s a brilliant little car that looks a bit like a fish.

It’s not a competition to see who’s a bigger terrorist.