
My nuanced take: Ferrari is overstepping their bounds but I, also, would not want to be associated with those nasty-ass shoes.

Or, if you BOUGHT the car, it would have been easily explained by the salesperson and even programmed for you.

“I’m to lazy to take the time to understand how my car works and how I can personalize it to my preferences, so I hate how the car works.”

It’s still newer than the Nissan Z. Might as well just put it back on the market. 

I don’t see that.

It’s exciting that GM can offer such an impressive package at this price, but it has almost no impact on the 911. The average 911 owner is younger, wealthier, and is statistically likely to purchase another Porsche in the future. If affordable performance was what sold sports cars Ferrari, Aston-Martin, and

At the very least a competent engineer

“To lower our lender’s risk, we had to increase customer dissatisfaction

The "no food ever in cars" along with the strong root beer brand bias leads me to believe you are at least 90 years old.

Life is too short to deny yourself sustenance on the road.

Apparently, there are a surprising number of us still around here. It’s awful that this is the occasion that made it known, but it’s also a testament to what he and his built.

I’ll always be thankful for the irreverent (or was it reverent?) DAF vs. FAF types of joy this site has engaged in. It has changed with the times and industry, but Davey’s (and Mike’s) fingerprints still linger and are a big reason I’ve not stopped clicking in here for more years than I’d like to admit.

Thanks for this, Mike. Like others have said, it’s great to see your name here again, but I wish it was under any other circumstance.

Jalopnik is the reason I got into this line of work, and Davey is a writer who, since that time, has left me wondering how one is able to pull that much art out of one’s own head.

Because it directly negatively impacts me due to their (comparatively) poor gas mileage and stupidly large proportions. They’re in the way, taking up space and polluting the planet disproportionately to their actual utility to the person. It’s like saying “I paid my money to use the pay bathroom” then taking a shit in

I can’t recall ever being personally inconvenienced by the size or parking position of a Camaro, Corvette, or any similar car. So, no, not really.

Here we go again - needs vs wants. Tough to comprehend right? People buy them because they WANT Them. Do you feel this strongly about Camaros\Corvettes etc cruising around and not being used on race tracks? Do you see someone in a North Face jacket and scream inside that they should only wear those jackets if taking

GM’s new design language is “making all our cars look like they’re having an allergic reaction”.