
I less than three this.

I had never cared that much for Beyonce, but that was before she came out in favour of gluten - glorious, glorious gluten. I'm now off to iTunes to buy her entire back catalogue, which I will listen too while eating a loaf of bread (glorious, glorious bread).

i so torn between "WOAH! SCIENCE!"

Exactly this... even if kids were cheap, the thought of the sheer amount of time you have to put in caring for them makes me shudder. And I've never understood why so many people say it is selfish to not want children. If anything, making new babies seems to be the selfish thing when you consider how many children are

I've always thought that if it's selfish to be child free, it must somehow be generous to have children, and that makes no sense. There is no generosity in creating the object of your own charity. It would be like taking up a new hobby, spending a bunch of money on it, and acting like you're not just doing it for

Wouldn't it make you incredibly unselfish not to have kids when you don't want that lifestyle? I mean, how much more unselfish can you be than to not inflict your unwillingness to be a parent on a kid? I hate this rhetoric of selfishness that the child-free cling to. What's so incredibly selfless about populating

See, I was in total agreement with you until you added the unnecessary line about Arkansas. If you don't want people to make comments about where you live then you should give them the same courtesy.

People entranced by a “misplaced rural nostalgia” are buying chickens from the same hatcheries that supply the nation's largest poultry producers and rearing them without proper space, food or veterinary care, she said.

Also, when did I say I "got mad"? This was about things that are crush deal breakers for you...the fact that someone did not get that I was referencing a fairly famous character rather than calling him the wrong name is not someone I would date. So thank you for your rant about HOW FUCKING AWFUL Dan Brown is. You just

Brides and Grooms of Earth:

Nothing stops me!

Bravo. If you have reduced your meat consumption that much, good for you!

I remember how defensive people got around me when they found out I'd stopped drinking. It's like no matter how innocuously you make that statement, someone will always feel as if you are personally judging their habits.

I imagine the label exists to make it a) easily identifiable b) build community, just like most other labels on lifestyle choices. A person is by no means required to adhere to a labelled diet, and can very well say "I try my best, by my own definition." If the label helps people in the aforementioned ways, however,

what's a chequebook?

Just finished my MFA ($60k in debt!!!) and I feel like no one ever calls the schools out for their bullshit spending. My school was a state university, and they were constantly doing construction, renovating buildings, handing out free shit to prospective students, wasting food LIKE CRAZY and holding "free" events. I

What are you on about? Every woman should be able to give birth without worrying about paying for it. I had no idea that you have to PAY to give birth in the US that is beyond fucked up. You guys need a public health system - its not called "socialized medicine" anywhere else - its called the minimum standard of human

You've got a BUNCH of assumptions going on here and I'm not sure if all of them hold. First of all, you're assuming that working harder than others is rewarded - but that is certainly not true in all offices. Secondly, you also seem to be assuming that only young people don't have kids, and thirdly that everyone has

Does the director seriously think people are paying attention to the naked girls' eye contact with the camera? They are naked. Men probably don't even notice their eyes. Young girls are not watching this and going, "Hey, this isn't degrading, because look at the way she looks at the camera!"

I used to like Robin Thicke

Oh my god Graham Norton puts Leno and Letterman to shame. Pour yourself a drink, type his name into youtube and enjoy your evening.