
I needed this today. I work at a zoo and one of our beloved big cats passed away today. There's something about seeing animal babies which is so comforting when an old friend passes on. Circle of life and all that. Snow leopards are rumoured to be joining our zoo some time in the future, so this was very appropriate

What language are they speaking? Are they from Korea? Makes me sad for all the North Korean kids who will never get to see their dad on Skype. :(

I dunno, do you think it was him trying to ensure payment with Facebook by showing him the results of the bug without actually divulging how he did it? If you present FB with exactly what you did and therefore how to fix it, there's a chance they might just turn around and go "Oh, thanks" and then not pay you? Maybe

That frontpage pic makes it look like he literally hacked Zuckerberg's page and plastered it with the words "Zuck it!" when he did no such thing. He was a polite gentleman in all his communications and maybe he did violate the ToS but that really was the most direct way to demonstrate the bug.

So if you were a Celtophile you'd call her Mam?

Yup. I assumed you were One of Us Outsiders because you used that word, so the phrase "This is America" threw me for a loop. Just curious, sorry to have offended.

You and me Jacqualesque, you and me!

And if everyone were to follow this genius's advice then we could conceivably flood the market with STEM graduates too. Besides, it's not a STEM/Humanities dichotomy. There are a million degrees and professions in between, and it's not sensible to pick one based on it's perceived future value. It's like any investment

Yeah cus it's that easy. For a start you'd have to remove said Master's degree from your resume to even get considered for a job at Starbuck's, because nobody in the service industry is going to hire a "know-it-all" who will just take off when something better comes along. Then you have this weird two or three year

Oh this. I have so been there and I am sorry that you have too. :( I used to really like my in-laws until we lived with them for a few months and it got really passive aggressive (from my mother in law) and eventually aggressive aggressive (from my father in law) so we moved out. Things improved for a while from

If this is America, is she not your "mom"?

I for one am not tired of it. Job-seeking while paying back student loans can be a scary and lonely place, so I don't mind being reminded that I'm not the only one. I would however like to see more stories that empowered Millennials rather than blaming us for our situation. I'd also like to see less generalizations

really? This shit again? It wasn't enough to make this point once in response to this article?

I thought that I was tail-end gen X but after reading several articles on the difficulty that Millennials have with finding a job in this economy, with student loans and only part time no-benefits jobs to pay them back with, I realised I was firmly in the Millennial camp because these are the struggles I identify

Your parents are grown ups and they need to practise a little tough love. Otherwise they are just enabling him to never grow up and get his own life. It does seem like your brother created this situation, but in reality your parents allowed for it, and allow it continue every day. People whinge about Millennials

Bahaha - I drive a very old car (when I'm not taking the bus) and I eat ramen and shop at second hand places. I still can't afford a house though, and as long as I'm paying off my student loan and working two part time jobs, that's not about to change. You might say that a difference in attitude is what makes life

Yeah good luck with that. By the time your kids are ready to go to college the whole job market will have changed again. In fact you might find when you do actually send them to college that it's hard enough trying to predict how the market will be in four years' time when they finish. There aren't any hard and fast

Very weird is when he goes down this almost tangential evolutionary psychology bit about pre-agricultural societies and paternity being a social construct. He clearly hasn't read The Selfish Gene then. Even birds have ways of assuring their paternity.

It's funny, even given my own experience with managers who are willing to shaft you as long as they benefit you some way, my initial thought is that a fixed gratuity would mean a decent fixed wage. Perhaps I am not 100% cynical after all, but I'd just really like to believe that managers like this exist. Again, I'll

"Inapplicable in this case" - the root of why I commented in the first place. The weight limit, and by extension complications with his knee (which could cost the taxpayer upwards of 20k) are perhaps shitty reasons to make a person pack up their life, but you're expecting too much of a government to put the needs of a