
Sure but many people who ask a kid's age aren't asking for specifics. They just want to know which birthday is next. Each kid is so different anyway so telling me they're 21 months just tells me I quickly need to divide by 12 to have any idea what you're talking about.

Haha I am just chuckling to myself because directly above this picture of sweaty knockers on the Jezebel feed is Ryan Seacrest's head. It looks too perfect, this must be a joke.

I was having this conversation with a friend who is on a reasonable salary and wonders how my partner and I (minimum wage/casual work only) manage to do it. My answer is only that it is really easy to only spend money on the essentials when that's literally all you can afford! :)

I asked this of some Fine Arts majors once. Won't do that again...

Get thine husband to UfYH. http://unfuckyourhabitat.tumblr.com/ It is gradually turning me into an adult about keeping house. Can't say the same for my flat/roomates but it really is a great start.

Which is a point others have made. I was just saying that allowing them to live in your garden, as companions and weed pluckers and snail killers and garden fertilizers is also an option. Just for the record.

Oh sure, they were past "optimal" laying age so they weren't reliable layers and one got to the point where the eggs were breaking inside her and making her sick. Battery layers aren't supposed to enjoy a long retirement, I suppose. :( I usually gave the few eggs we did get to my neighbour who was not vegan -

Everyone seems to want them to eat the chewy, gamey chickens but I'm with Lindy - just take care of the animal you committed to, especially if you can't bring yourself to kill it. I adopted two ex battery hens, who were post optimal laying age, and maybe the cuddle payoff wasn't huge, but they were amazing,

The back of Mostly Harmless says that it is "part five in the increasingly inaccurately named Hitchhiker's 'trilogy' " :)

But... did you produce a track by a hip hop superstar?

OK, people who write "axe" when they mean to write "aks" to explain someone is saying "ask" incorrectly... is now on my list of pet peeves. It took me ages to figure out what you people were on about!!

I dunno if I'd hate them because they are popular and mainstream, but overrated? Yes, I feel that way sometimes. I accept they were brilliant and broke ground for their time, but Jesus. Can we just get over them and stop acting like they were God's gift to music? They were just one band. Every one of their songs has

There's five in that trilogy if you count Mostly Harmless...

Mine is a goth, but the effect is the same.

If I crank this up all the way, Chrome crashes out something fierce.

I had wedding with full dinner - japanese takeout. $10 a head it was, plus appetizers. I spent more on alcohol because I am a great hostess... ha!

If it happened to me once or twice I'd stop going out at all! D:

With the restaurant thing, let the vegan choose the place and they'll often come up with one that will cater to everybody. Us vegans know the best places to get vegan food in all kinds of restaurants, some of which just might happen to serve meat too.

No, your good work is not ruined by eating one of something - but then by my definition you're still a vegan if you stuff up but don't let that enable you to fall off the wagon and just chuck the whole thing altogether. Same with veges. Accidents happen. Nobody's perfect. But if you're one of those vegetarians who

drop some nip, then back on the dance floor.