
Perhaps you are remembering it wrong and 10 year old you just told your buddies/cousins/schoolmates/kids at the Y that you beat it in an hour, grossly over exaggerating, and now that's how you remember it? :P

hahahahahahah "Duck!" @ 0.46 #punderful

Bro, kiwi it down a little bit, they have no idea what you are talking about. ;)

If by "thought" you mean "Google".

I think the major problem is that Wii caters to casual gamers who have little specialised gaming knowledge, they don't follow Nintendo like fanboys, they just buy one like regular people might buy a DVD player. When a big part of your market is people who don't really care about gaming, you run into these issues. The

It's like a friend of mine says: "It's always people who let me down, but always people who cheer me up."

I'm going to get lampooned for this, but it is my feeling that in a world where killing animals is okay in so many settings (hunting, pest control and food) then there will always be nutters who think it's okay to do it for fun. It's about power and control, like many other forms of abuse and it's sickening.

Uhm, guys, Raphael was "cool but CRUDE", I am fairly certain. But yes, still a moody asshole. Donatello was always the one for me.

I'm sure there are many nutritional experts that would disagree with her, including one I know personally. We've been eating gluten for centuries and for the vast majority of the population, it's not a problem. I was disgruntled by your comment because it appeared that you were taking medical advice meant for someone

Oh, I meant "natural" flavoured - in my country this means no flavour or just salt.

Ah yes but when they're "natural" flavours and the only other things added are oil and salt, it's a bit of a no-brainier. And I've no reason to think these ones are from a dedicated facility. It's just like green-washing, only for gluten-free enthusiasts.

The comment doesn't even refer to the commenter's experiences with her own body, only her son's and her husbands. It's an extrapolation to her own body based on what she learned wheat gluten does to the bodies of actual celiacs; chronic, systematic inflammation. She heard about it from doctors and dieticians and now

I've heard before that some men experience depression as a kind of fidgety restlessness or more physical like a dull, persistent achy feeling.

Here in NZ we get ads about depression on the TV (my country sure does love a PSA!!) but not on the actual medications themselves. End result is that they direct you to an on line quiz full of "always/sometimes/never" questions. Not sure how helpful it is, but it's better than nothing and I suppose better than direct

Fine choice, Madame.

So true on the rice point. You know what I hate seeing? Corn chips proudly claiming they are GLUTEN FREE!!! All over the packet. No shit! They are fucking made of corn. This is not news!

So you say you gave up gluten for weight loss but then you suggest you actually are celiac/gluten intolerant because a cupcake will give you the shits. Which is it?

Gluten causes chronic systemic inflammation in your husband and son because of a systemic immune reaction THEY have to the gluten. You giving it up will make no difference - it's not happening to you, because you're not celiac. So you're ill informed if you think that giving up gluten is automatically making an

Oh, ok, so you saw the point, but you CHOSE to miss it entirely. Now I see.

Vegetarianism/veganism, I'll have you know, isn't much to do with "respect" and much more do with a wish that nothing should suffer and die just so that I may eat it. I can't see how someone can say they respect an animal, and then kill it. There's another word for that, perhaps they pity the animal, perhaps they