
I have a love/hate thing for Deschanel - maybe it's her vegan flip-flopping or maybe just because she played a flakey bitch in 500 Days of Summer... otherwise I love her and I think she is awesome and I want all the clothes she wears on New Girl. Sigh. My feelings are so complex.

Oh dear, how does this poor bastard cope when he sneezes?

Oh my god I have nightmares about toilets like this!!!

I first saw McHale on the pilot of a VERY BAD REMAKE of the UK's IT Crowd. I couldn't forgive this for a long time and that stopped me really getting into Community. Then there was the pool challenge scene and all was forgiven.

In Japan, the women there are so shy about their bodily functions that it extends as far as peeing, and there is a special button on their toilets to deal with this. The story goes that japanese women constantly flush while performing either type of ablution, to cover up the splash or tinkle. Of course this was

This technique is also good for preventing splash-back.

So you out racist, illiterate teens, and then received a barrage of hate male from racist, illiterate adults (presumably) which you then ALSO out. I'm sure the responses you receive regarding these will also be golden, but where does it end?

You're still going to end up carrying the other shoes though. They need heels that you can fold up and put into a purse.

So true. This shit has to stop. At least once a month my sister will post a "Facebook knows your phone number and is sharing it with everyone!" message on there, and it's like, no shit. If you tell Facebook a thing, it shares it with everyone. That is all it knows how to do. So don't tell it your phone number. No duh.

This "so and so commented on a thing" problem is fairly new and a huge issue. The other side of the same coin is having to read ALL the bullshit that your friends post on EVERY wall and EVERY page that they like. I have "stopped seeing likes and comments" by everyone of my friends and hope they got so sick of seeing

Yes of course, you are right. I was thinking of the industry and not the ownership part. I was actually working at a shelter at the beginning of the economic crisis and sometimes the cursing was less than silent... I wonder if people are more likely to adopt a "free" animal in such times instead of forking over

I know a girl from India who had about 12 dogs at home - all of which started as strays! But I only know her because I work in the veterinary field and she is a vet - she might have been a bit of an outlier... :)

Yes that's exactly what I am getting at. When a woman is either a shrew or a delicate little flower - she can't win unless the relationship is always 50/50. And in many relationships, or situations within relationships, it won't be. There are no corresponding male stereotypes. It is this part that is the problem,

I find this interesting because I had always heard that the pet industry is recession-proof, so wouldn't have thought it would make a very good indicator in bad economic times. Also, regarding the comment about India, I would think that they would have very different concept of "ownership" and would not consider the

I read your other comment too and I see what you are saying but I think that in many relationships, one person is just generally more of a "take charge" type. In my relationship, that's me. I am just really organized and like to be in control, whereas my partner is more cruisy but crippled by even small decisions. I

I am so happy to see there are people like you thinking like this!! Also, many years ago in Britain, you didn't have to pay tax on your dog if it's tail was docked, which is another reason it became so popular/traditional to do so.

On THIS note (sorry I am so passionate about this subject) there was a breeder who attempted to breed boxers with naturally short tails that appeared docked by crossing them with corgis: http://www.steynmere.com/ARTICLES1.html

See my above comment, and also, ears are cropped so that dogs don't injure them in a fight when they are used for that purpose. The justification is still the the same and still totally bullshit.

I'm with you, friend. Fuck those fuckers. I am actually doing research for my masters on this exact topic. From what I have found, only a small percentage of dogs who ever injure their tail end up needing it amputated. So it seems a bit daft to me to chop it off preventatively for something that just might never