
I would also rock out Mark Twain's "I was dead for millions of years before I was born and it never inconvenienced me a bit." Cus you can't care if you're not born. You don't exist. I know that's hard to explain to someone that believes in heaven. My mum was pro-choice too, and I was born in some pretty complicated

You always see trampolines nowadays with a huge safety net around them - we never had that in my day and still the most dangerous thing about being on a trampoline with another human being was the static electric shocks they would subject you to.

I don't have an opinion on it because I haven't read it. And I don't intend to. You and me J.K., you and me.

Those are all very interesting links, but none of them actually backs up the "we all see colours differently" claim. One says that some of us might be better at distinguishing colours than others and one says we might "experience" colours differently to one another. But it's a hypothesis you can't really prove - as is

No but any animal in a zoo should be there for a better reason that just 'cus it's cute. Like I said, they aren't always reintroduced - obviously in real life it's actually really rare. Many consider zoos to be like a genetic "ark" where we keep representative specimens of each species. Or that the captive individuals

This happens to my partner all the time in social situations. It's almost like they think he is talking to someone else. I always turn to him so it seems like he is just talking to me (event though it's usually something I obviously know/have heard). I feel so bad for him - I'm not sure he really knows how to command

Additionally, ligers and liligers and white tigers and white lions and any combination of the above have literally NO conservation value. One of the important roles of zoos is to breed in captivity species that are dying out - sometimes, not always, for release in the wild. These animals are genetic dead-ends and

I find colour-blindness fascinating - we had a lecturer at uni who was colour blind but he had somehow taught himself to identify all the varying shades of whatever colour it is that he sees. He would be pointing at a chart like, "see that purple bit there, is it purple? That's the medulla oblongata." etc. He was

There is absolutely no way to prove whether that is true or not. So I'm not going to call bullshit except on the "did you know" part.

Yeah, have you not heard of Irish people?

Yeah I replaced our credit card with a debit card, and I have to admit it has improved our finances as there's no temptation to spend next weeks' paycheck this week etc.

Plus - I'm not sure attractiveness something you can "measure" - eye of the beholder and all that... I'm all for saying higher levels of oestrogen is a contributing factor, or different body sizes or distribution of fat, but "attractiveness"? And what's the shit with the measurements? Where is the peer-reviewed

I'm not sure about messing it up for a month or more (unless you are talking about the mini pill which I am less versed with). If you miss one pill on either side of the 7 day break it can be a problem until you have taken it properly again for a whole week, but at other times in the month, taking it within 24 hours

Hahaha I was just guessing and I got more right than Adam Scott

Yes this. I regularly go into the ER with major stomach cramps since I have had major surgery there - they ask me every time. Sometimes they give me a test and it comes back negative and we high five.

In a way I guess it's kind of lucky she was on tour at the time as I don't suppose she was drinking and smoking meth while in service...

You could take them if it makes you feel better - I get the shot and no periods, but they make you take a test every three months, just before you get the next shot. I always want to high five the doctor when it comes back negative.

"so far as I know, he is no worse off for the lack of pre-natal mozart CDs." looooooolz.

I also really like this show - I find it interesting because I had this idea in my head about pageant families and this wasn't it! I expected they'd all be really obsessed with their looks and that they would be pressuring Alana to be thin and perfect all the time - but they don't, quite the opposite. So maybe June

Yeah they use citronella in those bark collars... but then every dog is different I suppose. One of mine hates the smell of vicks vaporub and the other doesn't care/ kinda wants to eat it.