
The simple answer is that it's too much when you don't feel happy driving it afterwards.

P0420 should be familiar to anyone who owns an Rx-8.

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How a Rotary Engine works, from Mazda. It's very 1967.... and better for it.

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I love a good Wankel....

I've seen that before, but as a 3-d rendering in a magazine years ago. It's a custom-built machine, built to order with the V-twin providing hydraulic drive to the front and rear wheels.

The BMW K-series have to be up there - especially because it actually made it into production, with the basic design going well beyond 2 decades. It's basically a BMW car engine thrown on its side and stuck into a motorcycle frame, then combined with a car-style fuel injection system. The electronics were hideously

I have a very strong hate for everyone in that crowd and I can't quite explain why. At least the two drivers had a fair lump of sense not to make a mountain out of a molehill.

That turbocharged Legacy towards the end. Some compressor surge off that.

Wankel engine'd cars.

We have a similar ongoing problem in Ireland, whereby stations are mixing kerosene in with petrol, and people are driving halfway across the country before the engine falls apart.

I dunno. Anyone not currently involved in the echobox is sick of the noise coming out of it. That is the one thing said about this I'll publicly agree to.

My biggest concern about driving on track isn't that I'd meet one of these people, but that I'd be one of them myself.

What if I bought a 135i or something similar, and stick 116i or 120d badges on it? (Or is that now the 2-series?)

It's six of one, half of dozen of another. You could make the argument that a closed cockpit in such a small car makes driver escape and recovery harder, while introducing new hazards from shattering lexan, or the potential for fumes to be trapped.

It looks like the whole impact is taken on the crown of the helmet - or near enough to it. That's 13 tons of tractor meeting the head at speed high enough to launch 13 tons of tractor into the air. Effectively, headbutting a solid block of steel at 100kph.

Does the original Benz Patent Motorwagen count?

Man, I used to love playing with the H1 in Forza 4. Nothing annoys REAL GAMORZ more than someone beating them honestly in a Hummer. Elephant racing is hilarious.

H2, I'm told, is Japanese for "It will kill you".

My first thought was that it was a bit shit for some poor fella who had his brakes fail.