Sounds like something I eat with...
Sounds like something I eat with...
Firefox for 32 bit operating systems/Waterfox for 64 bit operating systems + AdBlock Plus + NoScript and your days of watching youtube ad's ever will be over.
I was thinking the same thing lol
Someone's a bit salty. I bet horses love to lick you.
As much as I listen to Ken Ashcorp, that didn't even cross my mind. I am proud of you lol
Get me some snow tires, I'll give it a go. It's not like I don't go bouncing through the desert already in my Mustang what's the worst that could happen going through snowy mount- *dead in avalanche*
You have no idea how bad I want to punch every prick who reminds me I *could have had a V8* when it comes to my Mustang. If I could have had a V8 you cunt I would have bought one in the first place. I definately didn't buy my 2012 V6 because I wanted the badge and nothing more, I bought it because it's go fast on a…
If only it was dauntless Sona and DJ Ahri. :/ One can dream man, one can dream.
I am pretty sure I have literally spent more on skins for 2 champions alone than you have spent on league entirely. And that makes me a sad panda :(
Yo Lozzle, heard you like Storms, so I put Thunderstorm in your Eye of the Storm so you could storm while you stormed... :D
No it's a new crutch they added because of casuals in most newer games. Older Battlefield games <biased opinion> 2142 last good Battlefield </biased opinion> didn't have such crutches and snipers had the potential to be extremely lethal if they had a good spot.
I see dirty well used Raptors all the time but I am out in the middle of the Mojave and where I live I can fall on my face and be on an off road trail.
Idk about Richard but I come from the internet and here we don't call it incest, we call it wincest. But hey, to each his own.
I am glad you said exactly what I was going to say because I don't think I would have been as polite.
Are you seriously defending that resource whoring sack of ass called Windows 8 that I have to mod to make it even look like a proper os with actual functionality? Because I think I actually just saw you do that and its blowing my mind a bit. I would sooner defend Vista than that failure that was 8.
Pretty much. I almost always play Saints Row and any driving heavy games with a controller instead of a mouse and keyboard due to the ability to steer better with a joystick over WASD.
Dammit Lozzle that made me lol. How dare you make me lol.
Oh dear, it seems some strange form of internet asexual reproduction has occurred and now there are two of us. Maybe Anna senpai will notice me and verbally destroy me too now D:
They for the most part seem to not care because only a few people in the majority actually use things like AdBlock. Most non-geeky types just put up with ads and live on. Now this can be a problem for certain sites as the demographic that frequents a site may have a greater amount of AdBlock users in it, (IE modding…
I have to give you props, because you have kept an extremely level headed mindset when you were replying to people. Highly impressed.