TerrorBallz 6000

Are you seriously defending that resource whoring sack of ass called Windows 8 that I have to mod to make it even look like a proper os with actual functionality? Because I think I actually just saw you do that and its blowing my mind a bit. I would sooner defend Vista than that failure that was 8.

Pretty much. I almost always play Saints Row and any driving heavy games with a controller instead of a mouse and keyboard due to the ability to steer better with a joystick over WASD.

Dammit Lozzle that made me lol. How dare you make me lol.

Oh dear, it seems some strange form of internet asexual reproduction has occurred and now there are two of us. Maybe Anna senpai will notice me and verbally destroy me too now D:

They for the most part seem to not care because only a few people in the majority actually use things like AdBlock. Most non-geeky types just put up with ads and live on. Now this can be a problem for certain sites as the demographic that frequents a site may have a greater amount of AdBlock users in it, (IE modding

I have to give you props, because you have kept an extremely level headed mindset when you were replying to people. Highly impressed.

It's doing a 1/3rd Orlove. If you drive one it will go full Orlove. Please, think of the stadium trucks and don't go full Orlove.

You mean the mini-series that if you sit down and watch the movie version of on say Amazon that is an hour and thirty seven minutes long?

This looks like Borderlands and Fallout had a baby.

People need to turn on their headlights.

Such teamwork, much skill, many wow.

I like you. And please do continue to be that guy.

Oh noes some knockers out for the world to see. What ever shall conservative America do with itself. Oh I know, generate some bullshit outrage and cry about it as a group. Keep the pussification of America going strong ya fucking tosser.

You just have to listen to "The Best of Haddaway" on repeat and suddenly Fear isn't so scary anymore. :3 Then again, no scary game can be taken seriously while what is love is blasting in the background.

I would sue the fucking pants off of that police officer who scratched the paint on that dudes car.

Its not camel toe its a zipper.