i’m not talking about eating out, i’m talking buying fresh fruits and vegetables instead of prepackaged meals. my food bill went way up when i started eating more fresh produce and cut out the other stuff.
i’m not talking about eating out, i’m talking buying fresh fruits and vegetables instead of prepackaged meals. my food bill went way up when i started eating more fresh produce and cut out the other stuff.
Yeah... I’ll take scientists who study this stuff over random internet commenter whose privilege is so blaring, it’s showing through their few incorrect words on the subject.
1) I can eat a full meal at McDonald’s for about $4, not $8. It will be absolutely terrible for me, but it will have more than enough calories to get me through the day and be composed of McDonald’s cheapest items.
Maybe it depends where you live.
I cooked a really nice paella last night, but the cost of the ingredients (and I didn’t go for expensive brands, etc) for a 2-person meal came to more than it would have cost to get a pizza each from the nice pizza place across the road.
its easy, just expensive as hell. we really need to make fresh vegetables cost less somehow. Having a garden helps.
Nor is it really host Baldwin, who, at one point after losing control of her own show, simply puts her head in her hands—presumably praying to make it through this segment in one piece.
I think you misunderstand what Danielle is saying. She’s NOT saying white people should stop being outraged and should stop protesting. She’s saying white people should stop automatically saying, “But, I’m one of the good guys.” Because that statement changes the focus to you.
What the fuck is “weaponized autism”?
David Duke’s tweet explains it all. Trump is probably fighting with himself because he knows the Nazis/White Supremacists/KKK support and voted for him. He didn’t denounce them during the campaign because as a business person he knew those were votes and he didn’t want to lose them. We know how he feels about…
If you’re tempted to point out that you’re one of the good ones right now ... please don’t.
Many years ago, I worked at the U.S. headquarters of a multinational (but primarily British) company. Most of the employees were American, but a lot of the key leadership (almost everyone at the C-level, and a good portion of the higher management roles) were from the U.K.—or in the case of the IT manager—originally…
I work at a a liberal live arts theatre, composed of a roughly 85% white force. We all try and respect each other and support one another BUT I cant help to tease them and watch them squirm when I say Black instead of African American. You can see them get physically upset, they start fidgeting.
I really want to slap white people who think that “Black” is now an insult. It is not. Some people choose to call themselves African American, some do not. Almost no one I know says long-ass African American in regular conversation.
I somehow became “ask the liberal” at work and one lady would ask a LOT of stupid questions. She asked me if she was supposed to say “African-American” or “black.” I told her I didn’t really like the term “African-American” because I think it’s creep code now. I told her whatever you do, PLEASE don’t say “the blacks.”
They best thing is when white people call me Black but then make a big show of correcting themselves (like some farcical self flagellation) “I’m so sorry, I mean African-American”
Family organization is largely matriarchal...
They’re been conditioned to stop saying “black” and use “African-American” instead— so when it comes to black people from other countries, they seize up.
I’m mostly annoyed by how inaccurate it is. Just like, with obvious basic facts. No, Black people who were born in other countries and don’t speak English are not African fucking American. Black does not automatically equal African American. How hard is that to understand?
Yup, this is me. Life without internet, AC, or running water? No thanks. Take me out first please.
Having spent way too much time dwelling on the realities of what you’d face in some sort of apocalyptic scenario, I decided I actually don’t want to live through one anyway. When life gets reduced to searching for clean water and shelter, I’m out.