
i dont think a caucasian woman should be writing this article

Many, many of the actresses you see in porn are forced into it by their pimps and are also prostituted by them on tracks. Also the average age of "entry" into prostitution in the U.S. is 13. These girls are frequently forced into porn as well.

In this society telling the truth is both trolling and insane since the population is immensely delusional.

You're so adorable, abusing the Jez writers while misspelling your own rants. That seems hipocritical as well!

Being smart or insightful has nothing to do with giving advice on relationships. You did not answer my question at all and instead went off on another bitter-sounding tangent. Good luck with your love life I guess.

Eh. The real world isn't filled with nice people and happy joy-joy feelings. Some people will respond to violent language (slurs are violent language) extremely. Hell, I was watching the George Zimmerman case today and he responded violently to a kid with skittles and an Arizona tea because he interpreted Trayvon's

I don't even know why it's a problem if they are talking about me. It's not like I'm 12 and I'm going to drag people out to the parking lot for shit-talking. The immaturity, it is disgusting. If the Vietnamese pedicurists down the street want to laugh at my enormous Euro-mutt feet, fine. I'd probably do the same thing

Eh, there are rude people everywhere of all cultures/races. That doesn't mean all foreign people are talking about you in another language, which is the point here.

Crazy Naked People on PCP Defense is only covered in advanced classes under the platinum membership plan.

You don't see how those trips could hurt? What those kids need is stability and practical education not a bunch of tourists spouting "praise Jesus" at them and then leaving a few weeks later causing the kids to have severe abandonment issues.

The writers and commenters on this site are openly racist. When a white woman chooses to have plastic surgery they are patted on the back and celebrated for their choices, but it is open season to ridicule and mock any non-white woman for that same choice. It's gross.