
“It’s still your ugly baby.”

Mildly related.

They don’t really do ticker-tape parades down here. Instead, everyone just bangs pots and pans loudly. It’s called Pan-demonium. Because of the pans.

Well, as long as there’s still the sex and drugs, I can do without the rock ‘n’ roll.

Depends. What are the hours?

Do you think you’d be happy doing that?

You know, like, “Would you... what size do you wear, sir?” And then you answer me.

This info is great and all, but I want my news in useless bar graph form so I go straight to ESPN stats.

I’d love to go in there, but I’m guessing they only allow top men.

Somehow I picture the Armée de l’Air being more concerned about the fresh flowers!


So a group of people dominated an area for many years until outsiders moved in, took over everything, and routinely massacred the original inhabitants. Interesting.

I wish I could say that is the most smoke I’ve ever seen coming from an RX-7. But it’s probably top 10.

I think I broke something...

Because I like to do things the hard way.

It’s the wife swapping picture that completes the Frenchness

Star. Star. STARRRRRR.

I once had a girlfriend buy me Bengals gear because she thought they were my favorite team. That was her other boyfriend. And that's how I found out she was cheating. Fuck the Bengals.

cue the obligatory shot in the British rain