
Sounds a lot like what I experinced watching late night movies on cable back in the day. I forget what ‘superstation it was, but I definitely recall having ads cut in mid-word in a line of dialog, and the movie resuming right at that cut after the break. They just didn’t care.

I don’t drink much beer. I used to drink Miller Genuine Draft, then switched to O’Doul’s, and then later to O’Doul’s Amber which I now get on occasion when I know theres room in the fridge.

And then the dude opens a bottle of Coke with his bare fingers. WTH did he waste a whole sheet of paper for? He’s obviously on a budget if he can’t afford to use a sandwich bag to pipe that Coke gel on his ice cream and has to improvise with an empty toothpaste tube instead.

2.8 million, dude. Don’t blame the people. Blame the mountains of student loan debt that forces young voters to leave red 3-vote states for greener more-populous blue-state pastures where their votes count for less in the electoral college.

Because of all the fractions involved in metric measurements?

Boulanger shown here addressing the factory workers.

Dang! Were all the management and employees chain smokers or something?


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Im talking about executives and bean counters, not engineers. If engineers ruled the world this would not be an issue.

Question: To what extent are these standards influenced by industry lobbyists?

Thats not really a lot. Theyre just all shoved over to one side and lined up in one column to make room for that infotainment screen. Get rid of or reduce the panel and gather the buttons into the middle in logical clusters like in a normal car and they won’t look like much.

Id like to have a Spy vs Spy tracker to see if someone picks up the strip after Mad folds.

the restaurant wants you to know that it’s doing right by its workers. Maybe that endears them to some customers and makes people feel more positively about eating there. It’s showing off, plain and simple.

I tried playing Commander Keen, but this iteration of Windows 1.0 didn’t have enough memory to run it. And, no, Wolfenstein 3D wouldn’t work either.

Ask your flight attendant if they have any low alcohol beer available.

Im impressed. I haven’t even made a 17-minute effort to beat it in under four years.

Because... only parents of adults order Moana cakes over the phone?

Clinton got the base out, to the tune of beating Trump in the popular vote by a good 2.8 million.