So it’s like Heinlein’s ‘The Number of The Beast’ except instead of one universe’s literature being another universe’s reality, it’s one universe’s Onion articles being another universe’s reality.
So it’s like Heinlein’s ‘The Number of The Beast’ except instead of one universe’s literature being another universe’s reality, it’s one universe’s Onion articles being another universe’s reality.
Checking in from the future here. Everyone ignores the do-not-track header, so whatevs.
Whereas in the minds of many conservatives, Trump would be getting impeached for “owning the libs” by having Russia help him win. Republicans employ dirty tricks on the regular to win control of government at every level - gerymandering, voter suppression, and everything in between. Cheating is normal and accepted.
They’re trying for a post-failed-impeachment rally like the Dems got after the repubs failed to impeach Clinton.
Now I want to see someone make a train engine with a lawnmower engine to see how much it can pull. Gear it down enough and it’ll move some cars for sure, the way they keep the rolling resistance so low. The question is how fast.
Can it be configured for mulching?
This was after 84000 miles. Extrapolate.
I want to see million-mile tires.
Be sure to take pics of all the security checkpoints you pass so you can remember the friendly people working there in later years.
I find water to be fine with Grape Nuts if you’re avoding dairy and there’s no soy or whatever available. The flavor of the cereal overpowers whatever liquid you put on it, and I, at least, like to let it sit a bit to soak it up so as to not break a tooth.
I’ll thank them very much for not changing that.
So you’re telling me it’s possible for an app to grab all your wifi passwords (which hopefully aren’t re-used from other purposes) if you give it superuser.
Whenever I ask for another basket of bread I always worry it will slip the server’s mind.
More like water in mouth.
How about an “I’m Feeling Hungry” button that will automatically start navigating me to the the nearest meal, factoring in travel time, current wait time, and recent average seating-to-serving time?
Maybe we can just get Texas to shit or get off the pot with that seccession they keep claiming they can do any time they want.
I got a text the other day from a Democratic party volunteer asking if I’d be interested in running for local office. Maybe I should throw my hat in the ring for president too.
History books still coddle the Confederacy.