
Even if you assume the NDAs are legally unenforceable, while they are in place each worker with a story to tell has to individually decide if they have the resources to fight the NDA in court. That consideration will lead a lot of them to balk, which is the real strength of these NDAs. Get that out of the way en mass a

It may not produce psychos, but I can tell you the military does seem to attract them.

So when will they have the real Ghost Busters?

Ive been hearing various conservative and libertarian talking up and sharing memes about how Sanders was cheated, etc. ever since the election. Theyre just trying to prop him up as a spoiler, or otherwise sow dissension.

To really test this, you two will have to fight in a tub of ground meat and heavy cheese sauce.

Oh, by now it’s surely all leached out already. Right?

Polio comes from a virus which you’ve been vaccinated against unless your parents are kooks.

Lots of speed per vehicle?

Came to post that. Starring is quicker. Thank you.

Similarly, I’ve often been heard to say “you know their turn signal is on, and I know their turn signal is on, but do they know their turn signal is on?”

Often when I’ve heard a good new song I’ve fantasized about learning to play it well then hopping in a time machine to teach it to my teenaged self in high school.

Youd think with these higher prices the workers who make them would be better-paid as well, so more people could afford them. But noooooooooo! The executives have to have their gargantuan shares.

So is this part of why, in practice, muscle cars appear to be the slowest-driven cars on the highway along my commute?

I have cats.

I’m pretty sure these router-carved letters are done with stencils. I wonder who makes those?

Why bother with a switch? Just have your driveway and walk paved with these.

If you spread your cheeks as you sit down, you have a lot less wiping to do

Im looking forward to saving a bunch on oil when my kid hits his teens.

My mothers garlic bread was very much the same, but with New Orleans French bread and therefore clearly superior.