
Does Bannon get any piece of this?

You’d never catch a firefighter doing something like this instead of getting the full “firetruck” inked.

How old is this technology? It can’t be all that old, or else every 80s metal video ever made would have featured it somehow.

We use Keep too, but also Wegmans’ app which automatically has everything grouped by aisle & section. Presumably they update the locations as things change, but in practice there’s a bit of a lag.

But history and YouTube contain innumerable examples of interspecies relationships...

But the amount could be more, at the bottom line, if rather than putting that extra take-home in something that earns a pittance in interest you use it to pay down your highest-interest debt.

quarterly bonuses (taxed at 22% federal rate)

With disabled heirs exempt of course.

Or maybe T-rump is just still upset he hasn’t gotten a new record or tape in the mail in nearly a decade.

I don’t like chocolate and mint together so I’m not the best judge

I thought the whole planking fad had died out years ago.

Sun Tzu probably had some quote about using the weapons you have available to you to defeat your opponent on the battlefield or whatever

And for that same reason, I maintain that BLM’s best long term strategy may be to recruit young “woke” people to enter police academies and join their local police force to help crowd out the assholes who just want to join up to crack some skulls. If you want something done right, do it yourself.

With as many agents as they’re trying to hire, I’m not sure what the odds would be that any one agent would actually encounter any illegals sneaking through. Most illegal aliens are here on expired work visas, having come legally then staying because that’s easier than getting a new visa. Simplify the renewal process a

Also Clark and Sky bars.

Hell, we get that on 95 heading toward DC in the early AM. Except it’s three idiots, or two and a truck.

Yeah, I have a co-worker or two with standing desks. I just roll my eyes and sit my ass down. Standing too long in one spot hurts my back.

We pretty much just see what looks good nearby on Google Maps, then check their menus online if their available, then head on over. Eating in a restaurant is usually more pleasant than eating in the hotel room anyway.

It’s been so long since I used flikr my email address has changed and I may not be able to get in if I can’t remember the password.

Noble of you to admit it.