And maybe mandated unique-to-each-camera digital signatures on original recordings. (Actually I’m not certain that would cast much doubt right away since there’s a lot of un-signed content out there, but it could help with copyright claims.)
You’d have to chop it up first.
But is this an actual marshmallow peep, or just a fiberglass or blow-molded replica?
Everything organic is shit, in the same way we are all starstuff.
Oops! My mistake.
Takes way too long to clump.
Go to Cozumel.
What’s his birthday and his favorite booze? Maybe we should all send him some.
This is also why women often can’t hold it as long as men.
The realy advanced fellows can tie a knot by just holding the base and giving it a well-practiced whip-flick.
Since that kilt is flipped up in the back, it needs a pair of “truck nuts”.
The immediate solution is to include mention that you are pre-scheduling the birthday greeting because you know you won’t be awake/available/whatever.
I haven’t hacked at the hover thing, but adding this to my userContent.css file got rid of the auto-playing trailers and such up top.@-moz-document url-prefix(
{ .billboard-row { display: none ! important; } }
For me the classic Netflix experience was editing my queue and waiting for the next DVD to arrive.
Decent for account/profile images.