Also, will Splinter be vetting based on future comments only, or will you also be looking at pre-purge comments as well?
Also, will Splinter be vetting based on future comments only, or will you also be looking at pre-purge comments as well?
There seems to be a good number of un-greyed comments here so far. Has the purge not yet begun? Or are the follows already cascading?
Is a corndog a shish kebab?
There’s a delete button for each one when you hover your mouse on them. I would guess that would remove the targeting.
I think if you pitch it right, the people who currently don’t want the wall will gladly pay to wall in those who do.
Because you hadn’t hit the cap yet?
Thirty minutes is a good shower.
Eaux de toilet.
The thing they don’t really show in the commercials is that you have to get in before filling it, and get out after emptying it. That has numerous implications.
I’ll just use it as a reminder that I want to do away with DST.
...about whether players could protest the anthem...
I’ve been grabbing a bottle of SToK mocha cold-brew at 7-11 each morning, but now I’m looking for a home cold-brew solution that will allow me to conveniently and economically make my own and bring about 30 oz to work every day.
Nothing new here for white people either. Growing white in the deep south I was privy to what was said when black people weren’t around. All T-Rump has done is make bigots think it’s okay to be public about it. Now I have proudly “deplorable” family members I no longer speak to.
So what are they planning to restore it to, considering the architecture in no way matched that of the sets?
Is this when we finally start enforcing the flag code?
People were actively admonished not to put the cart before the horse.
Now what can be a good idea, in certain circumstances*, is to vote in the GOP primaries for the least-objectionable candidate. Then go ahead and vote for the person you really want in the general.