
Is anything more perfect than the 1966 Love Machine SuperVan? The answer is no, and it is now my life’s mission to get my hands on this bad boy.

Since T-Rump and the Repubs don’t care about housing or urban development (except being pro-gentrification), he actually had just the qualifications they were looking for.

Or is that 10% up from 8%?

Southern-born here. WTH is the deal with sweet tea? That was never a thing while I was growing up.

Take the call. Be cordial and affable. Then as it winds down flush the toilet.

What? Fuck. Which movies? I couldn’t find him on IMDB.

Yeah, this is all for the banks, to keep low-risk customers from falling through the cracks.

Just add a forum with user login, and youve taken your first step into an eviler world.

They missed at least one.

I was expecting this to be about store brands. Can we get another match-up? Maybe a series of regional match-ups, given that not all grocery chains are everywhere.

Maybe its all part of their strategy to justify gun rights.

(Thirty years ago, you would have had about 17 minutes to escape. Now you have just three minutes.)

Now playing

Surely the Lego Batman Movie deserves some credit.

But were they brass?

I think it means one of them just had some dental work done.

He knows his followers are. That’s who he’s speaking to.

Maybe in Nigeria? It seems like they’ve had internet access forever there. Or maybe that was reserved for royalty.

(Gasp... Whew!) I caught up as fast as I could, guys.

So how do you put it out?

So how do you put it out?