Darrisbob1 - ☆彡

Holy hell, this sounds like an instant buy for me.

Tried the demo, loved it.

Sony did something similar in Japan with the PSP to Vita switch.

Golden Sun is easily the best original RPG for the GBA. It has a very satisfying combat system that allows you to mix attributes between each character that lets them to do new types of magic or summons. You also use magic a lot outside of battle to solve a lot of puzzles. It's like the puzzle solving elements of a

Who isn't? I was a little disappointed by the story in Dark Dawn (and for how short it felt), but I'm hoping for a kick-ass return to form on the 3DS someday.

I love my 3DS, but I agree with this statement 100%.

Because people can do whatever they want with their own money?

That's the gamers life.

Fucken wut?

"...built around the idea of confronting your wayward love."

*Looks at title*

The correct meme is "What a story, Mark."

I know that feels.

Ha, just last week I was on the store looking at the Games on Demand and their prices (just curious, not really buying) because it was interesting to see how much games were selling for, especially for older games.

It's barely a 'hype' article when even the title of the post is unsure about the games future.

Meh, not a big 'Adventure Time' fan.

They should have just kept their mouths shut. The only reason they made this statement was because people were usually asking on their forums and Twitter.


Not really. Final Fantasy: All the Bravest was announced AND Lightning Returns details were released basically on the same day, which explains all the FF news.