Darrisbob1 - ☆彡

But you buy it anyways...

Dammit, gotta pay my insurance bill, thanks for the reminder :(

Sleeping pills and Redbull here... I need the sleeping pills to sleep, and the Redbull to stay awake.

That doesn't mean it can't be produced at 50 gigs. Bluray disks started at 25 gigs, and are still produced on 25 gig disks. Not every Bluray movie needs that extra layer of data. Regular DVD disks CANNOT hold 25 gigs of data.

You should immediately not be friends with that person anymore. The game has great multiplayer, and he didn't even let you play? PFFT, what a hoser!

Old habits die hard. Nintendo fans would much rather have a new Zelda or Metroid than a new IP.

You can trust GiantBoyDetective, he went to E3.

Screw that, let them make a sequel to DKCR first!!!

The latency looks really smooth. All the games they showed at this event has shoved away my fears that there would be lag issues between the TV and controller screen.

From the art in the backgrounds it looks like they are going for a more "Super Mario World" feel, sort of how like NSMB2 had a kind of "Super Mario Bros. 3" feel...

Neither of my Gamestops have Wifi :(

Most likely it would be covered under the systems warranty for one year.

I've got a Crystal Xbox Original :3

Yup, the last Wii system that Nintendo sold that had GC support was the Mario Kart bundle they released over a year ago. Right after that they had a Mario bundle (with a game and soundtrack) and that was the first one to take GC support out.

Yeah, finding places that you can't even see on the map or that aren't part of the "100% this area" things are really interesting. I found some really cool places just wandering and swimming about.

I still have my original GameCube, just replaced it's optic lens last month, and it's still going strong!

Actually, no. It doesn't work in-store unless that GameStop has internet access (which most don't). You need to have your new and old 3DS system connected to a Wifi point in order for the licenses to transfer properly, which is why a majority of people have to buy the system first, then trade in the old system later.

I'm enjoying it so far. I'm taking my time and doing as much exploring as possible before i get in too deep with guilds and quests or whatever.

If they did, when they go to pick it up they are refunded any amount the pay over. You can also cancel a pre-order anytime, so you could just re-pre-order it.

Wii U will not support GameCube games, but you will be able to transfer your VC games to the Wii U.