
Yup. I think there are a couple issues here:

Do you think it’s possible to be a feminist and not devote every action of your life to feminism?

What say you, cheerleaders?

Here’s the deal: either punching literal Nazis in the face is morally acceptable, or America has to stop jerking itself off over WWII.

That’s because it’s not *always* wrong. It’s *almost* always wrong in *almost* everyone’s daily life. Violence is just a tool in the toolbox. One does not use a hammer to drive a screw, or a soldering iron to cook scrambled eggs. Violence is the tool of choice for dealing with Nazis and other such low forms of life,

He was already saying the left is as violent as we accuse the alt-right of being. The only thing that changed is that he’s scared now.

If you’re pissing off LePage you’re definitely doing something right.

It’s a beautiful day in Maine...for Paul LePage to resign.

the fine print states that the fish are all female.

I suppose, Angelica, that you could say I threw away my shot.

I remember singing the opposite version with the genders reversed.


“we all have to fuck the goat” is my new patriarchy metaphor i think

Nice! I had no idea she went back sometimes.

I mean that’s the fierce debate right?

I actually ended a relationship over this. I mean, other stuff was wrong, but this was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. I went out of town, and my bf was offered tickets to a concert he was dying to go to. There was a single woman in the group that was going to the concert, so he declined the tickets

ugh. guy butts are legit the best thing ever.

damn, can’t even go below 25K when it comes to annual income. I am way too poor to even use the calculator.


This is such a beautiful tribute. What a horrible loss for her and their children.