
They've definitely done studies since then showing that in countries where women are not economically equal men prefer "traditional" characteristics like youth and hip to waist ratio, but when women gain more economic parity people look for the same stuff (stability mainly, both economically and emotionally) no matter

I'm so sorry you went through that and so happy your daughter is healthy.

I was under the impression that the very small percentage of abortions that are late term were overwhelmingly because of health issues for either the mother or fetus. Anti-abortion advocates try to spin it like "sluts be having so much sex they don't even know they're pregnant for 5 months/are too lazy to get an

My parents borrowed their mortgage + a loan for home renovations from my grandparents and as far as I can tell it's going fine. However: my grandparents are loaded, my parents are more than comfortably well off, there is a legal contract, my parents are getting a good deal on interest and my grandparents are getting a

I just got a hedgehog Monday! They are illegal to own in some states and NYC but you should check where you live. Buy one from a breeder, not a pet store as the breeder will know more, breed healthier hedgehogs and socialize them more so they want to snuggle with you.

Thank you for writing this! I have a spastic pelvic condition too and I'm getting mine inserted in 2 weeks and I'm relieved it worked so well for you!

I really want to know more about it too. But it seems like its not finished yet? Or if it is, then it's more of a cross between a game and performance art than just a game. But I'm so curious!

I hate this too. It's like the time just gets away from him and all of a sudden it's midnight. We've talked it over a couple times and compromised on it only happening half the nights. It doesn't happen every week but if I'm feeling neglected or want to do something together I can tell him he needs to get offline and

I remain convinced that the people who complain about weddings being too expensive are the exact same people who think cash bars, backyard weddings or other common methods of saving money are "tacky." I'm also pretty convinced that the people who complain about being invited to weddings that they "have" to go to would

That's really crappy and I'm sorry you have to deal with it. My idea (kind of stolen from How I Met Your Mother): elope and don't tell your family. Then do a "wedding" in Vegas and refuse to splurge on anything. Maybe if you're already married then it won't be horrible because your wedding will already have happened

I've had a cake on my counter for the past week. The raspberries on it got a little bit moldy so I took them off and scraped off a bit of the frosting just in case. I had a piece for lunch. There's no way in HELL I'm throwing away cake.

Sorry, I don't know. I can't Kinja very well. And sorry I came off so combative. It's so hard to read tone over the internet.

I do agree with you. I'm not saying we need to keep our 'approved beautiful people' to the very skinny, young, and high-cheekboned. I think everyone would benefit from a more diverse representation of beauty in our popular culture. But I also think that when a dark skinned black woman writes an article about how

I think she's gorgeous too. I have no doubt that you admire her. I just think playing 'devil's advocate' when black people are telling you something about being black is disrespectful. As a white person I genuinely found that article helpful. I hope you find some value in it too.

Maybe you should read this. Especially the part that says "Pushing back against your privilege often looks like shutting your face. .... I’m talking about chiming in, taking up space, adding your two cents, playing devil’s advocate, etc. when 1) no one asked you, 2) the subject matter is outside your realm of

Only women read Real Simple. Anytime there's fashion, it's women's fashion, anytime they interview someone it's 70% chance it's a woman.

I want them to do a Disney version of Aida SO BAD. It would be awesome.

This is a little off topic, but I've been thinking about it for a while. Can I just say that I think the men in Castle are ridiculously amazing? Castle can be a womanizing jerk, but his first priority is always being a good father his daughter. Esposito and Ryan are traditionally masculine (it'd be pretty hard not to

Mason jars make the best cold-brewed coffee.

Or you can look at it as training wheels. I never had separation anxiety at daycare or school or anything, but I'd freak out if I tried to sleep at someone else's house until I was 9 or 10. We just called them "almost-sleepovers."