Sorry-didn't realize my fist posting went through. This is the short version :)
Sorry-didn't realize my fist posting went through. This is the short version :)
This is also good for sharing UV movies on Flixster with family. I have a daughter out of state and I own a bunch of movies. You can login on Flixster with a Gmail.
Another thing this may be useful for is sharing UltraViolet movies on Flixster. Just today, I bought the new Hobbit film as a pre-release for my daughter as a UV only because she wanted to watch it on her phone/computer/whatever. When I went to give her my login, it was very difficult to find where to reset it to…
FREE Game Dev Story | Amazon | Normally $5 | "Fantastically addictive"
16GB Apple iPad Air | $429
Google has apparently recently added a tip calculator feature…
There's apparently been a tip calculator added recently:…
Smart Tools from the Google App store is also very good and useful. It has measuring tools for length and distance among others.
Not true in California, but nobody does. And it pisses me off:…
I've been trying to get myself better organized with what I want, need and hope to accomplish. I figure I have no excuse not to carrying around a smart phone and tablet (both android). Not all of these are exactly new this year but I'm currently incorporating Evernote, Springpad, Astrid and Pocket.
Ya-it may not btw exactly new this year, but Google Play Music is a definite favorite of mine.
Hey-that's the first word I'm going to block-God
And here's some direct from google