
I never even thought to count.

The damn thing does have 14 windows. Wow.

And now we know who Dr. Moira Crewe’s character was based off of!

Full chassis and running gear swap, from a 1992 Taurus SHO MTX into a 1994 Taurus SHO ATX shell.

The big things aren’t what gave the most trouble, truth be told. An engine, transmission, and subframe swap are pretty straight forward.

No, the minutae is what killed us.

For instance, did you know that Ford changed the

Here’s a curveball, especially for early 2000’s BMW’s and Land Rovers with the Bosch engine management system.

No fuel (while cranking) and no spark?

Check your CKP sensor. If the ECU doesn’t see a signal from that crank position sensor, it won’t energize the fuel pump during engine crank.

I’m home.

Come at me, bro.


Christ... of all the people.

He’s not even in the ground yet...

You’re probably the type of person who would excoriate this guy had he slammed on his brakes on a green and caused a rear end collision.

Guilty. I’ll get to it soon, I swear...

Race-Taxi FTW.

On the Discovery II:

Now playing

To be fair, your expectations aren’t totally without precedent.

Came here to talk about how Neal Stephenson uses snake robots in Seveneves. I won’t go into any great depth except to say that their use throughout the course of the story doesn’t cease anytime soon.

I’m one of those people who would have definitely noticed that:
(a) The engines were dead silent
(b) The angle of attack had changed, we were now in a descent (this is why walking forward in an airplane feels like you’re walking uphill, at cruise a loaded aircraft will need to pitch up to generate the necessary lift to

The amount of self righteousness in these videos is too damn high.

Unless otherwise posted, the default speed limit in NYC is now 25MPH.

The introduction of the working man’s sports sedan.

Sadly, NYC is pockmarked all over with holes that size. There’s one at 85th and 2nd that I have to crawl through.