
On my Disco, the antenna leads are surprisingly well shielded, so the transmitter has to be physically close to the antenna embedded in the rear glass, otherwise it won't work at all.

The problem: Your car is so old, it has neither Bluetooth, nor an AUX jack. The solution: This brilliant Bluetooth adapter/FM transmitter combo. [GOgroove FlexSMART X2 Wireless In-Car Bluetooth FM Transmitter, $35 with code DEALFLEX]

Because suddenly you're an expert?

The fact that there was a risk of even minor injury to his passengers or the racers on the track validates the endangerment charge.

Looks like Mikkelsen's on-board stability control saved the day this time...

No, they haven't. The timings on 3rd Avenue are exactly the same as they have always been.

Source: I drive 3rd avenue for 40 blocks at least 3 times a week, riding the wave of green is almost 2nd nature to me at this point. There has been zero change in the timings.

Don't worry guys, it's hard to make out, but I think he's wearing an unzipped hoodie.

As a Land Rover owner with a 7-years-older-than-yours Discovery II, and no heat in the garage, do you know where I take mine to get work done when diy just isn't an option?

A Land Rover specialist in the Bronx (British Auto Works specifically).

This is why I do HDPE's whenever I can.

Man, what a pucker moment...

Must have installed an early model switch by accident.

You should really be using a harmonic dampener puller for a pulley like this.

And when it snows, I park on snowbanks. :D

Phased? Ha.

Wait. By local NYC area do you mean somewhere in the far reaches of CT, or actually in the immediate NYC area?

If the latter, where does one find out info about these meets? I've always wanted to go to a C&C meet, but the only ones I'd heard of were way up in CT and RI.

You might not be a twat, but you too live in a fairy tale where the only people who carry around large amounts of cash are up to no good.

You also live in the fairy tale where the cops will give a flying fuck about how good the reason is for you to be carrying thousands of dollars in cash, or jewelery, or to even leave

What fairy tale do you live in? Cops lie on the stand all the time, and are all but immune to fallout if and when their perjury is brought to light.

I watched a cop lie through his teeth in traffic court, and when the defendant produced a video to that effect, the judges response was "it's regrettable that the officer

Sambucci's moved, they're over in College Point now, next to the Crystal Windows and Doors factory and the new NYPD Academy construction site.

Why didn't he just implement some sort of inductive charging mechanism that would charge the battery with the rotation of the wheel?

Plugging in the lock to charge before changing the wheels seems a bit... I dunno, clumsy.

Not to mention roadside tire changes would be a PITA also.

The Commonwealth of Virginia can choke on a bag of dicks.

Years ago, I got a speeding ticket in Fredricksburg while interviewing for a job with Intuit, 53 in a 35. The kicker in all of this is that the cop stops me, explains that I was speeding, and I explain that I didn't realize that I was since there was no posted

I think he's referring to the reports of people who are spinning rod bearings in their cars in less than 10k miles.