

The river that normally flows there pales in comparison to what unleashing that much water all at once will do. They're probably going to have to evacuate towns and villages down river from here, and do everything they can to release that water in a controlled manner.

This man speaks the truth. My 15 year old Land Rover Discovery concurs that heated seats do in fact impress the ladies.

Which is good, because the rest of the truck probably doesn't. Which is fine.

About a year and a half ago, I replaced 16 of the Seagate 1.5TB drives under warranty. They were being used in a near line storage array, until they all began to fail after 2 years.

Oof... OAT Coolant? Haven't we learned this lesson already?

I always wondered why my buddy refused to mod his Evo VIII MR. Still way under 30k on the odo, totally stock, and rarely if ever hooned.

I live in NYC, and I do the same when I'm approaching a sudden slowdown on a parkway or expressway. Legality doesn't have absolute say in my or my passengers safety, and if breaking the law means a lower chance of someone plowing into me because of a sudden slow down or stop, then so be it.

You want to know what would have been less expensive?

Yup, this.

I think that the lower weight had a lot to do with it. In the later laps, the AMG was getting pretty squirrely. My guess is that the tires started to overheat, which adversely affects their grip. BTDT.

I wouldn't blame your eyes. Fog lights are supposed cast a low, wide beam. The cutoff line for fogs is always limited to the top of the housing, so if there's light above that line, it's likely a driving light and not a fog light.

Furthermore (again, read your debit card agreement), if your PIN was compromised and thieves use that PIN to empty your account (rather than using the card as a credit card), you might not be eligible for reimbursement. If you used your card at Target, in addition to cancelling the card, you should also change your

If someone's fog lights are blinding you, they're likely driving lights and not fog lights.

Which is 110% more of a dick move than high beams.

Why is the E39 M5 so far down that list?

Haha, say what you will, but it made a 700 mile round trip to Maine and back with a U-Haul trailer both ways, and a SV1000S in tow on the return trip, through a snow storm, and didn't miss a beat.

The only gripe I have about it honestly is that the bumpers are made from eggshells, and the replacement is near half what

They are lacking in diversity when Monsanto has the overwhelming share.

*begin rant*
You see? This is the real danger of GMO food. Nevermind the potential health risks, GMO food isn't diverse, it's all identical.

Imagine if something like this happens to Monsanto's GMO soy, or corn, or worse yet, rice or grain? Nevermind the issue of starvation, but wars and riots will erupt everywhere

All security features that my '99 Land Rover have.

It's sort of a running joke in the SHO community, but 3rd gear in the manual equipped SHO is sort of ridiculous in how well it pulls the car from 60 to 100+.

Somewhere along the line, someone wagered that the gear was forged by Jesus himself, and a joke was born.

Personally, I prefer the Jesus gear found in the Gen 1 and 2 Taurus SHO.