
Sorry, but his age was not a factor in his sentence. It was money, and the influence that it buys.

The presiding judge in all of this isn't exactly known for her leniency in sentencing minors. A few cases in point:

No. What I'm saying is that not addressing the illegality of the chop shops (in addition to everything else I mentioned), and allowing it to continue essentially unchecked for as long as it has was used to further justify the "case" for application of eminent domain.

And while you continue to tell yourself that illegal

Why is it that it's always someone who isn't from the area, who has NO idea what goes on here, has the most to say?

With regard to the illegal activities that have continued to go on, please see where I mentioned intentional head turning. You seem to think this is some un-policeable den of lawlessness... the NYPD had

The Hole.

...says the guy who knows fuck all about the area.

1996 pounds, and 74hp.

Those are the same figures from my 1988 LeMans with the 1.6, with the Mitsu having better aero.

I'm sure you're familiar with the Streisand effect, yes?

Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa.

They made a Hammer wagon? What?

We sit in a tight tube so, if you can all avoid it.

I would be less concerned by people using them to use unapproved software than I would be of USB drives being used as an incredibly effective attack vector, such was the case with Stuxnext, and now the Kryptolocker nonsense that's running amok.

Great Scot!

You use in-house USB storage, instead of a file server or some other network storage solution?

Sounds like you need a GPO to stop the mass storage driver from initializing.

205HP, huh? What's the torque figure look like?

I laughed so hard I damn near passed out from asphyxiation.

I have $10 that somewhere in all of this, the words "Don't tell me how to do my job!" were uttered.

The irony of you questioning my moral fiber in near the same breath as you talking about punching your grandfather in the nads is most certainly not lost on me.


Sure you would.

Before the Buzz Killingtons of Jalop show up, I want to take a moment to applaud this effort.

Come on Volvo, you can do it again.