
Nope, it was clear, I breezed right past where you said "late last February". Sorry.

I was just up there the first weekend this month... is there already snow on the ground?

And I agree on the earlier posts, a come along is a great thing to keep in your car.

Now playing

These are all nice videos and all, but Hans Stuck in a 2004 M3 GTR rustles my jimmies. Every. Damn. Time.

If by clampdown, you mean concerted harassment and assault of all non-cruiser motorcycles in NYC, then yes, this is definitely happening.

Ok everyone, thanks so much for coming out, but we've got what we need.

No need for further comments, again, thanks for coming out.

Had to have been.

Annnd... that's a dead body.

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. A Brazilian man was crushed to death last month by over half-ton of his own weed. The pot fatally sandwiched him when he crashed his car into a tree while running from the cops.

That's all great, and I'd let you finish except that enough LEO's have judged and treated me based on the color of my skin before I've even had a chance to open my mouth that I assume that all encounters with the police will be negative one, with me being deprived of at least one of my rights.

And by enough LEO's, I

No, this would have probably resulted in a firefight with Lien's wife and child in the crossfire, which would have done fuck all for their safety.

When you're outnumbered hundreds to one, brandishing is only going to escalate the situation to the point of no return.

What has been seen...

You, sir, have your priorities in order.

The Lambo was going 45, maybe 50, in a 30MPH zone (30 is the limit on surface streets in NYC). So yes, speeding.

Dammit Samir...

Forgive me if I breezed past the sarcasm, but he braked in a straight line because he locked up the front wheels. If you watch the video, you can see the front wheel steering angle change as he's sliding for the barrier.

I'm not sure which way you're going, but getting from the Brooklyn Bridge to the BQE is a cakewalk, I do it every day on my motorcycle.

I GIS's this image expecting to find that SIGMA was photoshopped onto the side of a shoulder fired launcher or some such.

Not everyone likes watching a snuff film just after lunch man.

(the victim in your video died in that crash)

Mine was a basket case on it's best days.

Nice LWB.