
“Oregon Trail” doesn’t hold a candle to my childhood memories of dying of dysentery.

Missile is the best doggo. THE BEST.

Ghost Trick is one of the few video games that has legit left me teary-eyed. The Golden Sun series is another of my fave handheld series, though at this point I despair of ever getting an actual conclusion to the series. I also adore the Ace Attorney games. (My very first cosplay was Maya Fey.) Also, Animal Crossing

Yes, but how does it taste? Dry bread makes me sad.

[insert obligatory Fry “take my money” meme pic here]

I was shopping for cosmetics in a Florida Sephora recently, and I can confirm that there are still way too many products with talc in it. Trying to find certain products (like eyeshadow and blush) without it is nearly impossible.

I got Roboto Gato on my Switch. I have to say that its boss fights are kicking my ass. I mean, I will definitely admit that I’m not great at platformers, but the difficulty seems to take a sharp spike in those fights. =_=;

The other week I randomly remembered the existence of a 90s PC game called Inherit the Earth. I don’t think I’d thought about it in more than 20 years prior to that day. In fact, I only recalled it thanks to a Kotaku article asking about the first video games your readers ever finished.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who still occasionally declares in a ditzy voice, “I like food!” 

I didn’t want to believe this, so I googled it. You were not wrong.

This book looks right up my alley. I love mid-century design. I'll have to get it next payday. X3

Wait...in what world do women who get cosmetic surgery NOT get criticized? They’re still vilified for being high-maintenance and thots.


I, like a crazy person, will sing this line to my cats when I see them playing with something they shouldn’t have. I loved this show so much.

Am I the only one who found Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series to be kind of mediocre? Sure, it was an interesting concept, but she was really, *really* bad at writing actual characterization. Everyone was just so bland, and I found I really wasn't very attached to anyone.

Oddly enough, the only freebie game that’s ever managed to keep my attention is Fire Emblem Heroes. I mostly stick to F2P, because every time I’ve paid for their premium summoning currency I’ve gotten jack shit with it. I have to remind myself of that every time I see that “special offer on orbs” banner pop up.

I haaaaate Aether Raids. Surtr is everywhere and he is such a cheap OP unit. *rage*

I’ve been very tempted to buy the Figma Reaper. It just looks so damned nice, and I don’t even really play the character. However, I don’t have a lot of room for collectibles so I have to prioritize the ones I really want. So far I’ve been getting the ladies of the Overwatch Nendoroid collection.

Mercy’s current ult is kind of a mixed bag. Flying around is really fun, and I love to go *nyoom* across the battlefield when my teammates are scattered. On the other hand, what USUALLY happens is that I will just end up flying as high as I can and then strafing left and right so I’m a more difficult target. And someti

Well, damn it... Now I'm actually kind of excited for this movie.