
They really are. This is my old boy that I lost last summer. Still miss him every day.

Of course you can read their faces. Look at this and tell me that isn't a happy girl. 

Melania Trump, classy? Even forgetting the nude pin-ups she posed for in her youth, marrying Donald Trump is about the least classy thing a person can do.

You forgot about (spoiler warning, I guess) Link’s Awakening. Link’s quest to awaken the Wind Fish essentially destroys the entire island. IIRC, people on the island actually ask him *not* to continue his quest because they know the eventual outcome.

Can I just say that I’d like to prune that gentleman?

Awesome. This is one of only 2 Zelda games I’ve managed to actually beat. (Hooray for crappy attention spans.) 

I found my pog collection in my parents’ garage last year, still in those little plastic tubes you could get for storage. I wasn’t sure what to do with them. Throwing them away didn’t feel right. Anyone interested in buying vintage pogs and slammers?

That is one of the most unattractive collections of tattoos I have ever seen.

I managed to buy one copy of 2 or 3 in stock on release day...and I work at a Best Buy. I guess they* figured there would be low demand for what is technically an old JRPG.

Meanwhile, I’m not sure if I should be waiting for the reveal that my queen Moira is bi. I mean, she’s a walking David Bowie reference, so would it really surprise anyone?

No, it is not. It’s a loot box game, but you can’t transfer items to people. (You can buy loot boxes for friends, but the stuff inside is randomly generated.)

Playing Mercy is like playing Frogger, except the cars are actively aiming for you and they hate you with a passion.

Yes, but how did it taste? Inquiring minds want to know.

Was this the year of the schezuan sauce debacle? I honestly can’t recall. Each year in fandom (and in general) just seem to get progressive worse.

Thanks for the info, and showing us that peak 90s hair.

Don’t let anyone convince you that ladies aren’t also gross in public restrooms. They pee all over the seat and don’t wipe it up (hurray squatters), or the leave their toilet paper all over the seat after they’ve gotten up (hurray dirty-ass sitters). They leave paper towels in the bowl (??). I’ve seen menstrual blood a

I’ve never brushed my teeth in a public restroom, but I have had to floss. I have gum disease (pro tip: don’t over-brush) and was told by my dental hygienist to floss more than once a day. That necessitated me flossing at work. I realize it’s kind of gross, so I only do it in the handicap stall so no one has to watch.

No thanks.

You mean おめでとう.

I’m out of the grays on Kotaku and this is what I do with myself.