
I’m torn on this particular issue. While I don’t think an author’s intention is the be-all, end-all of literary debate, I do think it should be considered. I mean, authors are people too. Sometimes their work can be influenced subconsciously. For example, JRR Tolkien always insisted that his works were not meant to be

The group finder is a necessary evil, IMO. Last season (I’m kind of burned out and haven’t played this current one) I jumped 500 SR from low gold to low platinum because I was able to find enough well-coordinated groups with the system. Playing solo queue as a support main was exceedingly frustrating. The LFG system

Morrowind was also on PC, so it was not a console exclusive.

Regarding that last one: at least in Singapore you can drink the tap water without having to boil it, unlike large portions of Malaysia. To be fair, I lived in Singapore in the 90s. Maybe Malaysia has improved its water supply since then.

I never had a Playstation back in the day, so I’ve missed all of these except for FF7. I’ll be curious to see how well the gameplay in these games has aged.

Great. I was...trying to eat breakfast when I read the headline. Think I’m done. :|

I can’t wait to see the happy reaction memes. I, for one, am super stoked. X3

I was a little “meh” on this until I saw the Pokemon silhouettes on the back of the Switch. I know it’s silly, because I as the user would never see them, but that detail made this totally adorable for me.

I never thought I would laugh so hard at the pain of a child. I feel like I owe you an apology, sir or madam.

Weird. I’m using that same Corsair cooler, and I found it to be super quiet. I had my computer rebuilt last year (friend did it for me because I am too n00bish for some PC repair parts) and I got new EVERYTHING. To be fair, I was replacing an air-cooled FX-8350 with an i7-6700k and the liquid cooler. I don’t

The only 2 skins I love are the Ana and D.va skins. Not a huge fan of anything sports-related in general. So yeah, a little disappointed.

Funny. I will bitch endlessly about the character designs in the newer FE games. They sold out and went full on nonsensical Tetsuya Nomura-wannbe anime fan service. Corrin’s barefoot design is bad. Fight me.

I have been so on the fence about buying D.va merch, mostly because I don’t actually play her so I feel like it would be a lie. But that gun, though...I have a mighty need...

You basically summed up the ethos of the Impressionist movement, actually. 

I’m trying to finally finish Diablo III. I bought it last year and have only played it in short spurts. I finally beat the original campaign last night, and then I started on the Reaper of Souls expansion. I also bought the Necromancer character expansion on a whim (it was also on sale), because you guys said it was

So basically, Team Angel was the Spice Girls ala Saban. 

Really? Ok, I call your bluff: as a kid, my hamster was named Arnie, short for Arnold Schwarzenhamster. It was the 90s, and he was a very active rodent.

I was aware of that, thank you.

I was going to make a comment about “anime/game thing reimagined as sexy female cosplay getting kind of old and then I saw the Dugtrio/Sudowoodo group and I’ll sit myself in my time-out corner now.