"I don't know you!!"
"I don't know you!!"
I've had rose-flavored Rice Krispies treats before. They were...different. Bake sales at schools in Asia can be a bit tricky.
You have no idea how disappointed I was as a kid when I first got my hands on Turkish delight. C.S. Lewis went on so much about how it was awesome enough to make a kid sell his soul...and it turns out it's nothing more than powdered Jell-o cubes. I was crushed.
Hey—to be fair, the Japanese have stolen from tons of other cultures too. (Such as their writing system and obsession with giant breasts.)
I hate to tell you, but in separate interviews, Colbert himself has admitted to meeting people who think he's playing his conservative character straight. Meaning, they take him at face value. :P Never underestimate the stupidity of some people.
Geez. Is it really that hard to NOT paint your face? I'm white, and I've gone cosplaying as a character with brown skin, and it never once occurred to me that "in the name of accuracy" I should darken my skin. I just made the character's outfit. :\ IMO, unless the character in question is pink or blue or something…
Your confusion confuses me...
Bulbasaur was my starter way back in Blue. :3 I tended to pick Grass-type starters after that, even though they tended to suck.
Whoa. You just blew my mind. That is pretty cool. Now I'm wondering what the purpose of separately developing their own blonde gene could have been...
I had a dude try this with me a few weeks ago. I was in a Starbucks, playing my brand new copy of Pokemon X and enjoying a piece of coffee cake, when some nerdy guy* came over and tried to hit on me. I wouldn't give him my phone number because I was really just there to eat my snack and play Pokemon, not attract a…
As a female Erin who had to suffer through a childhood of people misspelling my name as "Aaron", I am offended by your acquaintances. :P
My cat knows what doorknobs are for, but (fortunately for me), he has not figured out how to manipulate them. If my cat wants through a door, he will stand on his hind legs and paw the knob and look at me and meow plaintively. And if he's on the other side of this one glass door in my house, he will watch me through…
I've seen a single episode, since I've heard people around Gawker speak well of the show. I haven't been able to catch more than that random episode, though. :\ But yeah, it's usually pretty easy to tell the difference between tweened animation and the more traditional frame-by-frame kind.
I'm aware of that. But there is a certain style of animation that is associated with Flash, which is why I was very specific about the different methods of animation. I know a lot of stuff is done completely digitally now, whether it's frame-by-frame or tweened Flash animation.
Flash animation (with tweening and reused animation cycles) can look good if it's done well, like with the recent My Little Pony show. But I agree, there's nothing that looks quite so good as traditional frame-by-frame animation. Kudos to your girlfriend and roomies.
I think they mean the traditional method of animating each frame at a time, versus Flash-style animation that uses tweening and vectors and whatnot.
Maybe it's just me, but the idea of some throwing their car keys at me in battle is HILARIOUS.
Oh! Patricia! I don't know if anyone's pointed it out to you, but this new game DOES tell you what stats increase and decrease based on the nature of the Pokemon (you mentioned in a previous article that it doesn't tell you). If you look at your Pokemon summary, and the list of stat numbers, one stat will be listed in…
Here-here. Good character design isn't about cramming as much detail into a character just to prove that you can. Sure, there's technical mastery there, in terms of the time it took to come up with the design and render it in 3D, but it still fails over all as a character design because there's just too much going on…
Aww, crap. That's pretty much what went through MY head too. I upgraded from an old aqua 3DS to the Animal Crossing XL, and then I saw this... I'm sure it looks much nicer in real life too. The slightly metallic finish of 3DS XLs doesn't really come through in these doctored photographs. I bet it'll be so gold...so…