
Right, debunked like Palin saying she could see Russia from her back door. You guys keep hanging on to that, why wouldn’t we hang on to AlGore inventing the internet? Direct quote from his interview with Wolf Blitzer: “I took the initiative in creating the internet.” He actually DID say it.

“Here’s your weekly reminder that the Obamas are leaving the White House”

“It’s about damn time!”    *said in deep voice*

It was Halloween night and a full moon and I was throwing a paper route on a dark street with only a few homes on it just after watching The Howling on HBO in the eighties and ran over a nail and got a flat tire. I stopped and emptied the trunk of boxes of newspapers and pulled out the spare and jack and starked to

COTD. You smart mother fucker!

Ace Ventura is on the case.

Fact is that while reddit has open discussion, gawker sites only want to listen to like minded people. Everyone else is a troll by their standards.

There aren’t many “Gawker loyalists” left. These sites are going downhill fast.

I use Reddit. It’s not tearing itself apart.

For some context /r/the_donald has ~300,000 subscribers. /r/overwatch a subreddit dedicated to a videogame that came out 6 months ago has more than twice that many. Whenever I read Gizmodo comments without fail you will see people who admit to never using the site but somehow also having a distaste for it. It’s by

Dare to dream, I guess...

Now playing

Thank you so much for sharing some Nick Bostrum. I actually believe in this:

*Raviolis put in lava*

If only you guys stopped posting political shit on Gizmodo and stick to what you used to do. Post stuff about tech. I understand that with Gawker gone you have nowhere to go, but this is getting absurd.

This. Recently in the area a child was struck by a school bus and killed. It was utterly tragic but an accident in the truest sense. I couldn’t imagine worrying about whether a bus driver would take unnecessary risks with a bus full of children entrusted to them. I’m heartsick over this.

The driver’s mother had this to say:

I don’t care if it didn’t cause injury. The fact that this guy was involved with one incident, that he was determined to be at fault for, and then let behind the wheel again is sickening. I feel horrible for the parents who had the crazy idea that their kids would be safe on the school bus.