
“I’m so going to miss him especially how intellegence he is.”

Death threats? But I thought liberals were the enlightened pinnacles of reason, sanity, and tolerance of others? How can this be?

“Nuclear war is coming BUT that doesn’t mean we can’t find something to laugh at. Laughing our asses off as the world burns.”

Woah, sounds detailed... you wanna.. talk about it, or? Must have been very painful. There, there.

“Can you imagine the temper tantrum he is having right now? He’s throwing the biggest, bestest party and no one will come. All of the cool kids are ignoring him. At least Ivanka will pee there for him.”

Never liked Springsteen’s music. Which is good, since I would have thrown out that part of my music collection by now.

>>In Trump’s America, a black man isn’t an “American” until he produces his long-form birth certificate.<<

“And Trump supporters are automatically racist bigots. Keep repeating it and it’ll become True. Hillary has trained you well.”

“I think this may be a case of Trump having a really limited view of who he considers ‘American’.’”


“That Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was in the Ku Klux Klan.”

“Not that it matters, given that Donald Trump’s father was a member of the Klan.”

Liberals. They get desperate when cornered. :)

“I can totally believe the most important thing in his mind right now is putting on a good show at the inauguration.Not, you know, solving any of the nation’s problems or anything like that.”

I wish when I lied that I were able to believe myself as well as Hillary does when she lies.