
Nicely stated, Countervail. This is exactly how I feel. I totally get that racism is ignorant, and I have zero tolerance for it personally. But the kind of bullshit in this article is the crap spewed by racists who just hate a different set of people. It doesn’t make me any more tolerant of racism, it just reminds me

“...and here come the comments which both completely prove the point of the article and justify its existence!”

“There is a widely held theory that black people can’t be racist because racism is accompanied by a certain amount of power that black people don’t yet possess.”

... as if there is something wrong with white peoples’ (or ANY peoples’) appropriately lukewarm response to Chris Rock’s political and mediocre comedy last night.

“So as a hardcore conservative white guy, you don’t hate blacks, you hate poor people and women? Just clarifying your stances.”

“So, what’s that defect in white men where they believe they can ‘explain’ racism to a PoC and still call her an idiot in the end?”

“That image is just some white person’s idea of what racism in America must look like. If that’s the only brand of racist white folk see, it’s because they’ve become willfully blind to what PoC face in our daily lives. All these comments reek of some childish “I’m not racist because I don’t say the n-word, like THOSE

Oh yeah, dumbass, I do know what racism is. Google “Black Lives Matter.”

“I’ll never understand why some white people feign surprise whenever other white folk spew some racist bullshit.”

Hard-core conservative white guy here. I don’t get it either. She is obviously beautiful. There are racist idiots who are “brave” enough to spew their ignorant hatred online, when they wouldn’t think of running their mouth in person.

Fucking A. Don’t want to commit to that? DON’T TAKE THE ANIMAL IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE!!

So true, beautiful and sad. My condolences.


“Now Now. They weren’t upset because she was BLACK. They were upset because it was disrespectful to the SOLDIERS. Because se should have used that time to pay tribute to the AMERICAN SOLDIERS. That’s what the Superbowl half-time is all about right?”

Hopefully they can stop Oblabla from naming one of the radical leftists he has in mind. Actually, it is completely in Congress’ hands, so... they will let the next president choose.

I never cared for Beyonce’s music because it’s not a style of music I am into. I mostly listen to metal, but there are MANY black artists represented in my music collection.

“The Republican party moved right way earlier. So yeah, you actually are not for reasonable gun control. Never mind!”

“Look, the republicans on your side, the ones who actually believe that the right to arm yourself does not mean ‘the right to arm yourself in 5 minutes at your leisure whenever you want without any questions’ are diminishing every day. Unfortunately, the rest of your party does not believe in reasonable gun control.”

Cool but... he should have been outside when he did it.. because this is more like an... un-summon.

“Really? Can you point to any type of gun regulation or legislation that republican pro-gun legislators are proposing to deal with this issue?”