I can’t even come up with a response to this, so good job with your troll mission.
I can’t even come up with a response to this, so good job with your troll mission.
Trumps military policy specifically targeted transgender people. Patricia King is a trangender soldier. It really is that simple. It’s not a question of appealing to the majority, some of whom would maybe prefer that black or Latino or PoC be kicked out of the military as well
The response “I’m an old” needs to be banished to the depths of fiery hell along with 6ix9ines.
I hope that was sarcasm. I hope you don’t need a politics lesson on what a US territory is like Trump did.
Possibly use the victim’s name and CC number? Body’s right in the trunk...
You know how sometimes Jalop reports on cars being stolen and then used in another crime. Happens with things like credit cards too.
Well since Jill is sucha badass, she just wanted to make things more difficult for herself this time around. That’s the true reason for lack of pockets.
FWIW I think your opinion is respectable, and was presented likewise. Not sure why these fanboys have to demonize you for not sharing their thought process.
Ya know, he didn’t attack you. So don’t be a jerk.
Eh. I dunno. I played the original, and while it was “decent”, it didn’t do anything for me. I understood what they were trying to convey, but the horrid controls and camera constantly broke my suspension of disbelief to the point that I just couldn’t get into it. It was a neat idea, and pretty, but ruined by the…
‘To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Shadow of the Colossus.’
In contrast to you I do not attack anybody here verbally and actually try to show that people might have different opinions on things.
Fwiw, my first self-owned console was a Sega Saturn, I started gaming on the Commodore VC20 and it was strictly computers from there (and I still spend most of my gaming time on my PC,…
“just not smart enough to understand”
Who needs pockets when one small holster can fit a small armory’s worth of inventory?
It was laundry day?
Jill doesn’t know how to dress herself.
It can be frustrating, as someone who is very involved in the church, when people get stuck on popular misconceptions about scripture or theology and then use these misconceptions to anchor huge portions of their lives, but most religious people don’t pursue any sacred learning past the lessons they learned in Sunday…
The news media did the nation a disservice by focusing almost exclusively on Trump and the maniacs who supported him, they gave him tons of free advertising.
no one spending 200 grand BEFORE options gives a shit about a manual in an SUV...
Isn’t that what most centrist democrats and independents did? No one tunes into SNL to tell them how to vote.