
eh, while I don’t really know what to make of Elon Musk selling those things, they aren’t the same as combat flamethrowers. Combat flamethrowers shoot a stream of burning liquid/gel, that sticks to the target and continues burning after the weapon is aimed away from the target. What Musk is selling is an overblown

Of course, but in this case I think this makes sense because there isn’t an equivalent female co-CEO’s pay to raise (she already left) and there’s a specific plan for recruiting women pilots that he can put the extra $47,000 into right away. Long-term it’s about raising women’s wages but at this particular place in

on the one hand, no, you shouldn’t get a cookie for doing the basic, human thing. on the other hand, admitting you’ve done something wrong is literally the first step to fixing a problem, so it is important that people do it and we recognize it.

You’re right. I would totally be sitting in jail, probably for a LONG time.

The police came out and said there was no evidence of texting or other impairment.

I’m not sure what I’m more flummoxed by:

A child is the ultimate vanity project. Arrogance is imbued into the act.

I imagine she isn’t totally opposed to begin with, otherwise it is unlikely a pregnant woman would find this particularly amusing.

Kids are teased about literally everything. He could be born with a tiny mole on his neck and be teased forever about that. Trying to pre-protect your kids from being teased for the most part is a futile effort.

Zelda isn’t that strange of a name, not like it was invented out of whole cloth like some others. If people ask, could say that you’re just a huge F. Scott Fitzgerald fan. The Great Gatsby just really spoke to you, you know?

I think I’d rather be named Turok.

Maybe you could use a pair of these.

We all knew in 2008 that harassment was wrong. Its not like we we’re riding horses and buggies for Pete’s sake.

tha fuck are you talking about?

There is no excuse for protecting your faith advisor like Clinton did. She is a fucking moron with terrible political instincts. Seriously she is such a stupid fuck up. All this evil for a fucking faith advisor.

“Faith advisor”.

Ummm... this is completely tone-deaf right? She’s trying to get some credit for supporting this woman now when it doesn’t appear she did in 2008? “We deserve to be heard.” She was heard when she spoke up, by you Hillary, and you determined this guy important enough to your campaign to slap him on the wrist and just

Col Sanders has been a woman before, Col. Arla Sanders of Earth 11 in the DC comic Universe:

Always mentions Wendy’s fries like they are good fries.

Counterpoint: Potatoes are one of the best foods ever.