Daria Morgendorffer

Fuck this piece of shit. He’s Southern NH through and through: talk a big game, fold like a bad poker hand once shit gets real.

Like a lot of these online alt-right guys, he cut his teeth in the “mens rights” internet. Seems to be a natural segue from that to full blown white nationalism. If you’ve ever ventured into those fevered swamps - MRA, Pick up artists (PUA), and incels (involuntary celibates...aka virgins pretending it’s everyones

oh you’re crying.... that’s cute.

Before we all get excited let’s remember his conviction will depend on 12 Virginians not accepting his claim of self defense from confederacy-hatin, antifa, commie, BLM killers.

I get a warm fuzzy feeling every time a nazi is shown to be such a paragon of steadfast courage

“I thought that spraying that guy was the least damaging thing I could do,” he told the Times. “In my left hand I had a flashlight. My other option, other than the pepper spray, was to break this guy’s teeth. O.K.?

Let’s introduce you to your new cellmate

He must be terrified about being locked up with “stupid animals”.

Ya know what white supremacists hate nearly as much as not white people?

The best part of this is the thought that when he’s in prison, the nazis probably won’t even want to be associated with that crybaby.

It’s called blast-lung, or the “hot chocolate effect.” As Lance said: “When you mix these speeds together in a frothy combination like the human lungs, or hot chocolate, it combines and it ends up making the energy go slower than it would in either one,” and it boosts the tissue damage.