Daria Morgendorffer

Every dollar they give a Republican who maybe might help them is one less dollar they are giving to someone who absolutely will help them.

It took me a second to register that HRC stood for “Human Rights Campaign” and not “Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

I guess my ignorance and my stupidity is why I opened my mouth, and I shouldn’t have and I claim full responsibility.”

But he speaks the truth! Radios #1 bloated loudmouth! How can he be wrong?!

Not so surprising at all.. “Bloated drug addict says what?”

NOT SO SUPRISING NEWS BREAK!: FAT BOY Rush thinks this guy is a hero. Should be freed and sue the city.

His ideals are what majority of conservative groups hold internally, whether they know it or not. This guy is just the embodiment of physically lashing out that internal feeling.

Kellyanne - When you say, “Collusion? No. We don’t have that yet,” it implies that we will eventually. You might want to refrain from using “yet” in future bullshit sessions.

Someone should just create an interview bot to fill in for Kellyanne Conway and the not quite a Nazi, but wishes he were guy. Gorka’s could just repeat variations of “Donald Trump is an alpha male. I am an alpha male. Our penises are like locomotives made of gorillas”. It would save everyone a lot of time and energy.

That “fear-based information” quote is infuriating. Not because it sounds like he’s weaseling out of accountability, but because for a lot of people in this country, it’s true. Fox News and a lot of the GOP and even some Dems have made it that Americans think all Muslims, not just a small percentage, are basically

Yeah. I think that’s the main reason this political climate is so stressful - our brethren voted for explicit oppression. They were always implicitly supporting it but the unambiguous, blunt, and honest admission that oppression is the goal is....disheartening. In general, honestly I will be happy with defeat in

“I don’t go on social media looking to hate on people...”

The Onion or Clickhole would like to hear from you.

h/t Granddad

I once witnessed 2 bros drunkenly mocking gay people at a brewery in Seattle. I mean, if you hate homosexuals, Seattle is not the city for you...

This is why we need Trump to face defeat at the ballot box. These people need to viscerally see America reject them.

‘Man cursed to keep his haircut in 6th grade for life’